Saturday, July 6, 2019

Mean Versus Evil

So Wifey and I had another relaxing day, and then were summoned to Shorecrest for shabbat with D1 and Joey. Joey started this routine, and we love it -- they alternate Friday night dinners with his family and ours.

Last night, D1 lit the candles and said the Friday night prayers -- afterwards we all hugged and wished each other shabbat shalom, or a peaceful sabbath. We don't keep kosher, or follow most of the laws set forth in the Torah, but acknowledging the end of the week in the traditional way is something we greatly enjoy.

I wasn't raised doing it. Wifey was. Her mother always lit candles to end the week and remember and reflect on her many, many lost family members.  It's a nice thing to do now.

On the way home, Wifey and talked about meanness in people -- how some just simply chose to say cutting and hurtful things to others. I guess it makes the mean one feel better about themself --but as I age I care less and less -- I just have little to do with the mean ones.

But then we talked about the difference between mean and evil.

Now -- the context is not evil like terrorism, or serial killers, but evil among non violent, "normal" human reactions. A mean person says something spiteful and hurtful. The evil one takes the time to contrive and plan ways to set people against each other.

All we know is, we're giving those folks WIDE berth...

On the realty front, it seems we have reached a conclusion. We're staying in Pinecrest!

The Ds made clear their thoughts -- especially D1 last night, and we agreed that if we moved to NE Miami, we'd end up in a house half the size of the one we own on a small plot of land.

And though Joey wants us closer, in case we're blessed with grandkids, the truth is that the trip is only 30 minutes when its not rush hour -- very manageable for a few times a week drive.

The truth is, Pinecrest is a great place for kids, with the Zoo close, as well as Pinecrest Gardens, and very kid friendly shopping places like the Falls. D1 likes the idea of being able to take kids to "the country house," and I do, too.

So now Wifey is going to undertake some redecoration, which is truly needed. There'll be no major construction projects, but things like painting, and some new furniture, and, most of all, DECLUTTERING.

It's funny. Neither Wifey nor I are collectors of any type, and yet somehow we have accumulated a ton of STUFF. It needs to go.

As I write, I'm looking at a roll top desk Wifey promised to our housekeeper Miriam -- 2 months ago. Somehow Miriam can't get her husband and son to come with a truck and take it.  The thing WILL be gone by the end of this month -- even if I hire some guys and it goes to Goodwill...

D1 and Joey's house is a showplace, and my kind. There is virtually zero clutter. They have some art, but your eye is rested there -- no Brooklyn style cabinets crammed with tchokes.  It's my kind of place.  Wifey will recreate that for us.

So let this be a peaceful good.

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