Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Loving Where You Live

So we were out to dinner with our friends, who have lived in Miami for the past 12 years -- the longest tenure at any city in their quarter century marriage. We met another couple at the bar while waiting for a table, and they asked where we were from. My friend replied, instantly, "Maine!"

We talked about it at dinner, since her response was contrary to her job, driver's license, voter's registration, etc...And she replied that, though she's lived in the city 12 years, she never considered herself a Miamian. It got me to thinking...

That's one of the greatest things about living in the US: you can live wherever you wish, and call that place home. Or call a place home without living there...

D2 and Jonathan have been in NYC for 4 years now, and they still have their driver's licenses in Florida, and still vote here. Of course -- they still have to pay those onerous NYC and NY state income taxes, but hey -- what are ya gonna do?

Last night, as I was driving to meet Mirta for dinner at Titanic, it occurred to me that I never wish to live anywhere else. Miami has evolved into a true world city -- whatever you seek is within easy reach. There are manifold problems, of course, but I enjoy all there is to do here.

College football season begins in a month -- with a game in Orlando. I am already truly excited about my Canes -- being together with my closest friends, and sharing laughter, food, and a bit too much alcohol in parking lots in Miami Gardens and other places.

A week later, we see the Rolling Stones, at Joe Robbie -- another night surrounded by my bests, or many of them.

The lake house in Maine was lovely, but isolated. The nearest market is a 15 minute drive. A decent restaurant is 30 minutes away. I see the appeal of that to many people -- those fed up with crowds, and traffic -- but it's not a lifestyle I want, except for short bursts of time.

But again -- the beauty of our country -- choice. As long as you have the shekels, you can be where you wish.

I hope that someday D2 and Jonathan move back home. Dare I wish for grandkids from them, as well as from D1 and Joey -- all of us, the "Full Squad," as Joey has named us on texts, together enjoying life? 

In the mean time, I also love where the sabbatical kids are living -- Greenwich Village - my favorite part of the greatest city in the world.  Each time I walk onto West 11th Street, with its pre War buildings, I hear Lerner and Loewe's "On the Street Where You Live" playing in my head...So it's not too bad there.

Years ago a friend told me that I would be happy living in Nebraska -- since I'm an annoyingly happy person most of the time -- the kind of guy who would find a favorite steakhouse bar in Omaha and declare that all was right with the world. Indeed -- years ago our group traveled to Nebraska to see the Canes play the Huskers, and Mike found a place called the Drover Steakhouse. Turns out, it's a haunt of Warren Buffet's, though the Oracle wasn't there that night.

And indeed, we had a fine meal, and drinks, and fraternity, and I was quite happy. But, I'm told, Omaha is very bleak in the Winter -- as is Maine.

So I'll stick right here, in the humid, tropical 305. If only the Canes would finally win the ACC...

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