Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thirty Two

NYE '86-'87 was our rehearsal dinner. We brought in Canton, of course, and gathered our wedding party at our tiny house on SW 125 Terrace. My in laws and mother were there, as well as then both out of state sisters and brother in law.  My nephew and niece were in the wedding party. Funny how things change -- we haven't spoken in years and likely won't again.  That's life.

On January 2, 1987, my bachelor party consisted of watching the Canes play for their second national title. They had a superior team and were going to dispatch Penn State. Vinny Testaverde decided to make it an interception fest, and threw a final pick to seal our loss. Mark, now a big shot brain surgeon in NY, turned to me and said "Wedding's off now, right?" Wifey found that not funny in the least. Nah, I said -- might as well go ahead -- my in laws already paid.

So the next day we checked into the Hyatt Downtown, and dressed, and then, that night, walked down the aisle to the chuppah set up.

Wifey's party were her friends Jeannette, Linda, and Mimi, and our then niece. Wifey's BFF Edna couldn't travel from Atlanta -- she was about to give birth to Erica, her delightful daughter. To this day Edna thinks we should have moved the wedding date.

Wifey is still friends with Jeanette and Linda. Mimi has fallen by the wayside in our life, though she still lives in Miami.

My men were Eric, Barry, Mike, Mark, lawyer Jeff and doctor Jeff, and my then nephew.

Wifey's parents walked her down the aisle. For me, it was my Mom, and her brother Marty -- my beloved Dad was gone 4 and a half years by then.

The ceremony was nice -- we had the rabbi, who was a relief rabbi, quote some Dylan. Our scheduled rabbi dropped out to get a free trip to Israel.

My father in law, large man, took out some flower arrangements as he came down the aisle. I remember that well. I also remember my mother's friend Mae giving a toast, in heroic couplets, which started out cute and then went on far, far too long -- as it turned out, exactly like Mae's friendship with my Mom...

Our friend Pat Travers, with three gold records, jammed with the wedding band, and was amazing, although Wifey's friend Eileen, very drunk, decided to make herself Janis Joplin and sang "Good Lovin'" while Pat and the band played "Gimme some lovin.'" An honest mistake, which the professional Pat immediately corrected...

We pledged to build a life together, and shelter each other from those storms. Mission, so far, accomplished -- Wifey and I have built a life together beyond our wildest dreams of that night thirty two years ago. And the storms -- as recent as last month -- we faced together, with strength and love.

So the snapshot of that wedding party shows how life changes. I'm still very close with most of my groomsmen -- just celebrated NYE with Mike and Barry, in fact. This Sunday, lawyer Jeff's oldest is getting married, and we will be there. Lawyer Jeff hasn't been a lawyer for 24 years -- he always WAS the smartest of our bunch.

I rarely see surgeon Mark, or doctor Jeff, but keep in touch with FaceBook, and do get together from time to time.  The nephew has left the family and wants nothing to do with anyone. I hope he has friends like I do -- not sure how you get through this life without them.

I'm a very lucky man. And key parts of the luck have truly meant success or failure in life. Choosing Wifey was key, and I think she'd say the same about marrying me.

So happy 32, Wifey. Let's keep building our lives together. Daresay even with another generation of our family?

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