Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A Dog's Birthday

Wifey and I are not yet blessed with grandchildren, but we do have two fine grand dogs, and today is the 10th birthday of the oldest, Madeleine. And that dog has brought more joy and happiness to our family that I would have thought doggedly possible.

Mads is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a breed I probably never noticed before. And then, probably in '07, for Halloween, D1 surprised us with a visit home from college. She enjoyed giving out candy to the neighborhood trick or treaters, and as we did so that evening, our neighbors, the Warmans, came by. They had their two kids in tow (one has since tragically died young of cancer) and an adorable little dog named Peca, which is Spanish for freckle. D1 fell in love with Peca -- asked all about her from her dog Mom, who happens to share D1's first name. The puppy seed was planted.

D1 found a Cavalier breeder in West Palm, and during one return trip from UF, in '09, we picked up Madeleine. She slept on D1's feet the entire way back to Miami. She always liked to sleep a lot.

D1 took Mads back to Gville for her senior year, and has been velcroed to her side ever since. They graduated together, and moved back to Miami, where both enrolled in FIU for a MS in Dietetics. Mads lived with D1 on Brickell, with various roommates, and helped her write her thesis, get through a tough internship, and first job at Jackson Memorial.

Wifey and I got to dog sit, often, and Mads was always a pleasure to have. The only wrinkle was that D1 wanted her to be a part of her wedding to Joey, and our orthodox rabbi put the kibbosh on that -- Mads didn't have enough money to contribute to his shul, which may have reversed his decision. So Mads waited patiently back at the East Hotel.

D1 got Mads certified as a therapy dog, and she has spent hours at children's libraries. Research showed that kids who might be embarrassed to read to humans have zero reluctance to read to dogs, as the dogs usually don't correct them (unless they're those way smart sheep dogs), and so Mads did a real public service.  Also, she calms D1's clients -- snoring happily while the clients get advice about healthy eating.

Yesterday D1 dropped Mads off at the house, where she happily joined our other grand dog, Bo, and the strange rescue Vienna. D1 and Joey are leaving Friday for a staycation weekend in Lauderdale -- some snooty place where no dogs, even non threatening ones, are allowed.

Andy Rooney once said that the best people he ever met are dogs. And he's typically correct.

For this one little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, I honor her first decade, and thank her for all she has meant to my family, especially D1. Rock on, Madeleine.

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