Monday, September 17, 2018

Football Weekend

So Saturday our Canes played up in Toledo, no powerhouse, but still winners of their conference. Apparently it was the biggest home game in their history -- having Miami come to town. Wifey's car is in the body shop on account of another of those pesky light poles that continue to jump out as she backs up, so she dropped me off at Mike's for a watch party.

Norman brought wings, and Peter came by -- we three UM Law, Class of '86 friends had a fine time. I brought some new type of vodka on the advice of a Total Wine guy, and Mike and I acquitted ourselves nicely in that area. Norman drove me home -- Wifey was out doing errands.

Sunday she got picked up by her old friend Jackie -- they were meeting two Palm Beach County friends in Lauderdale for a lunch reunion. So I was blissfully alone to nap and watch the Fins play -- they beat my childhood team, the Jets, and looked better than I thought they would.

It was a lovely Sunday -- just me and the dogs -- and I savored the quiet time, though I did yell at the TV a few times when the Fins QB did something stupid.

Wifey came home, and we watched a new Starz series, "Warriors of Liberty City," about an inner city team here in the 305. The league was founded by Luther Campbell -- former raunchy rapper and now legit community leader -- he helped persuade the Miami schools chief to stay here rather than take the job in NYC.  Several years ago, D2 and I attended a lecture by Uncle Luke, in support of his autobiography. I really dug him -- the guy has a lot to say and says it well.

Then we watched "The Deuce," a show about decayed 70s NYC and the birth of the porn industry. We like it a lot -- it's season 2, and has become our Sunday night ritual -- one we started when the "Sopranos" was on -- the best show in history.

Today I'm avoiding the office -- flu shot first, and then meeting Mirta at a local bank -- she's asked me to go with her to open an investment account with the local guy I met, Frank.  I'm so proud of her -- single Mom, who got her college degree while raising two sons, and put herself in a very comfortable financial situation.  She's asked me to teach her investing, and I will -- buy low, and sell high. That's essentially all there is to know.

It'll be a truncated week -- Wednesday is Yom Kippur. I know Stuart turns that into a three day stay away from the office, and I plan to follow his lead and do the same.

No shul for me, though. The past years I have honored the holiday by indeed fasting and reflecting, but I find I do it better on my own than in a shul where I tried, repeatedly, to connect with the Big Man, but somehow it doesn't happen. I hope He forgives me...

So the Book of Life has been written, and Wednesday it is sealed. Who shall live, and who shall die. Who shall die by fire, and who by ice. I hope to be on the right side of the ledger...

Too much football to keep watching to miss out...

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