Friday, August 3, 2018

Wifey versus the Bureaucracy

So for over six months now, Wifey has been trying to get her ancient mother on Medicaid. We thought she had succeeded -- calls came in, and even a letter came from Governor Rick Scott that said, essentially, "Even though you're now on Medicaid, don't think you're a complete loser."

Not so fast. Wifey got a call yesterday, saying her mother was NOT qualified.  Either they improperly counted her Holocaust reparations as income, which state law clearly says should not be, OR Wifey applied for the wrong kind of Medicaid.  She's in the process of figuring it out now.

I told Wifey her sense that if you ask many questions and follow directions things come out correct does NOT apply to government bureaucracy.  Wifey even went to the DCF office to file some papers.  She handed the clerk, who I'll call an angry woman, the law showing Holocaust money doesn't count. The woman sneered at Wifey and said "Uhh HUUUUUh." Wifey's pretty sure the woman trashed the pages of legal support.

It'll eventually happen. I deal with this crap all the time.

Even worse than Medicaid is Medicare.  When we settle a case, we have to pay back Medicare for any benefits they paid out related to the accident or incident.  It used to be you called a central office up in Jacksonville, and worked out the lien.  Last time I did it, or tried, they went to a system where you are not allowed to speak to the same person -- your call goes all over the country, and you have to start anew with whichever bored and apathetic clerk has the case.

So Wifey will persevere, and my suegra WILL get her benefits.  I guess it remains to be seen, however, whether that takes place while she's still alive...

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