Sunday, August 26, 2018

When Is It Time?

When I reflect on my life's mentors, I realize the ones I always admired most are those who have had varied and different careers. Roger Howard was the prime example.

I met Roger when he was a young partner at my second law job. He had come from Harvard Law and a federal clerkship. He had been a neuroscientist, and professor of music. He came to law in his 40s, and after a few years as a partner doing mostly aviation defense, decided his talents were wasted. He left the firm with his secretary Ann, and opened a small shop handling small PI cases.

He referred several more complex matters to me at the firm I had joined -- including my first and only ERISA matter -- a case that outlived Roger and another mentor Ed -- they both worked on the case and died of cancer as the case made its way up the federal appeals chain.

Roger lied of leukemia far too young -- in his 50s. I spoke at his funeral, which was in 1995 -- and mentioned his varied and full professional life.

And yet, I'm still in the law business -- 32 years after I passed the Florida Bar. I dabbled in teaching and a bit of writing -- but the only real career has been law.

My partner and I pledged to give the firm our all -- for TEN years. In November we turn 24 as a firm. We learned that in June of '19, our very long term lease as subtenants of SunTrust Bank comes to an end. 5 months after that, we'll have our 25th anniversary.

I never planned to be a lawyer nearly this long. In 1982, when I was a college senior, I was profiled in the yearbook -- headed the next year for law school. I said I wanted to practice long enough to become "financially stable," and then do something else -- maybe teaching.

The best laid plans...

For now, we still have clean up to do -- especially in light of Fredo's defection. I guess there is ALWAYS an excuse to stay in a job, or at a career.

I admire Roger, may he rest in peace, for having a type of courage for change I have never shown.

Maybe the winds of 2019 will bring in some changes. Or not.

I know for a fact the Big Man is in charge -- we'll see what plans HE has for this getting long in the tooth lawyer.

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