Saturday, July 21, 2018

Long Term Marriage Advice

So it was a lazy Friday around here. Stu was leaving for a week in NYC, and John for a week in Pensacola, and I heard the echo of my Dad's words about working while your partners play: "Don't be a schmuck."  So I didn't, and instead drove to Leon's Liquors, to provision a sailboat we chartered for a sunset sail tonight. More on that later.

I went into the Vintage store in Sunniland, and asked for Howard, the long time guy. I was told "Meet Nick -- the NEW Howard." Alas, Howard retired a few months ago, and moved to St. Pete to be closer to his grandkids.  It occurred to me I really don't have an alcohol problem if my dealer has been gone 1/4 of a year and I didn't even know...

So Nick, the son of the Vintage owner, is now in charge. Nick is 28 and told me he started his family's Midtown Miami store, but was asked to deal with Howard's old clients in Pinecrest. He missed his Midtown store, he said -- it was "where the action was."  He plans to return there full time, but will continue handling Howard's old clients.  He said Howard was loving being close to his grandkids -- he saw them only once a month before and now sees them daily. I send my regards to Howard...

I came home, and Wifey was heading out for some errands, and said "You love going to Gables Cinema -- there's an award winning movie there -- get us tickets for tonight."  I decided to see what the movie was -- "The Cakemaker" an Israeli/German tale. I pulled up the trailer and the first seen was two guys kissing passionately.  The rest of the trailer showed it was a dramatic love tale -- apparently one of the guys realizes he really wants a a woman.

I thought, about Wifey's choice, "Are you out of your mind?"  Instead, I said "Wifey, this movie positively SCREAMS to be seen by you and your movie loving girlfriends. If I were to take that away, it would border on cruelty." 

As D1 says, I have a way of putting things in a charming way. It's a crucial secret to a long marriage, I think.

So no "Cakemaker" for us. Instead, we headed over to Titanic for dinner, and a walk next store to see how "Miami's Best Pizza" was doing. Our next door neighbor Greg is one of the new owners of the famous place, which closed a few years ago due to rising rents but found a new home across US 1. The place was packed. Greg wasn't there, but we were happy to see his new business soaring...

We came home, and Wifey found another arty movie to watch -- this one "Disobediance," about two English Orthodox women who were young lovers, one left for NYC, and then returned to London after her Dad, a major rabbi, died.  Rachel MacAdams had married a dude, but upon seeing Rachel Weicz, realized she missed the other team.

The scenes of davening were hilarious -- the men singing sounded like the Vienna Boys and Mens choir. Their voices were beautiful and in perfect harmony. If services really sounded like that, it occurred to me, more folks would attend. Also if there were more furtive making out by hot frum ladies in the balcony, it wouldn't hurt attendance...

But the movie was BORING, and dragged, and had, to us, no meaning. But at least it was free, other than stealing a few hours from our lives.

I so rarely like movies these days. It seems I watch 10 for every one I find worthwhile.  I better stick to old ones...

But tonight -- live action. Eric, Dana, Barry, Donna, and Wifey and I are headed out to the Bay for a four hour tour. The boat is the Captain Sir, and the Captain is Russ Bolley, a gourmet cook.

We 6 last sailed together 22 years ago.  After the cruise, Eric said he noticed Barry and Donna were asking about minivans. Eric took that to mean Donna was pregnant. Maybe not,  I said, they just want a minivan. "Who the hell buys a minivan unless they have kids?" asked Eric.  As usual, he was correct -- turned out Donna was indeed carrying a baby boy, who would be born in December. That baby, Scott, is now a rising college senior at Maryland, and a blessing to us all.

I don't suspect there will be any secret pregnancies revealed tonight -- at least among the 6 wives...

But I KNOW the trip will be better than a movie.

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