Sunday, April 22, 2018

Title Shot

So I just read that the oldest person in the world died in Japan, at 117. The woman was believed to have been the last person born in the 19th century, in 1900 (the 20th began in 1901). After last night, I'm thinking my mother in law may be shooting for the title.

The first part of the day was spent with the young. Paul and Alex met Mirta and me at Deli Lane, where we had a lovely lunch -- with special appearance by old friend Diane, who was dining nearby. Afterwards, we walked to Sunset Place, for the Barnes and Noble Children's section.

My sister of another mister Mirta is really something -- she is a true child's whisperer -- calming the kids and being such a terrific aunt. I told Alex Mirta likes about 8 regular aged people, but all kids and old people. Mirta said I overestimated on the number 8.

Alex and Paul left with kids in tow, and Mirta and I returned to Deli Lane for a cold drink -- and watching the first half of the Heat game, which they ended up blowing.  I will shortly have more time as the Heat will be eliminated, and I no longer have to watch any NBA games.

I came home, and found Wifey, who was having a lazy Saturday and didn't make it out yet. I roused her, and we went to dinner at Cheese Course -- having healthier versions of our usual selections, under the D imposed intervention.

And then we went to the Palace, and fetched Rachel from her bed, where she was watching TV. I wheeled her outside, to the gazebo, and we sat with her. I hadn't seen her for the last few weeks. She had improved greatly -- moving well, not complaining of pain, not acting depressed. One of the property's cats joined us, and Wifey found it a water bowl and chicken to eat.

I wondered whether it was one of those death cats I read about that hang around old age homes, and jump into the resident's bed right before they leave for the hereafter.  Nah -- this one hung around simply enjoying our company.

I know 90 somethings can porpoise -- and my suegra is definitely surfacing.  She has short term memory loss -- asks about the Ds multiple times, and forgot that she had a spill just the day before. But she sure doesn't appear as if she will be joining her beloved husband in that quiet spot off the Palmetto any time soon.

She looks like she is giving that Japanese champ a run for her yen.  Who knows?

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