Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Strike One in the House Search

I do a lot of dumb things, and am proud of myself when I do a smart one.  I have learned over nearly 32 years of marriage that Wifey and I don't shop well together, particularly for big stuff. So we've evolved -- she LOVES it when I lease her cars for her -- take away all of the stress of deciding on options, colors, etc...

When it comes to houses, we both fell in love with our first one in October of '86 -- a small place in Kendall that looked like it was in the Grove, and well within our budget, especially after my Mom gifted us and my two sisters each $10K. We used $8650 of that money as our down payment, and we were ecstatic in our first place.

After D1 was born, and we needed more room, I stepped back. Wifey and our friend/realtor Sandy found a place 2 miles west, and to tell the truth, I never much liked it. I went along, though, after being told the $175K price was a steal, and it was perfect.  The house's poor construction nearly got us killed in Hurricane Andrew, and when it was rebuilt, I kept out of all decisions.  I remember at the time Paul told me I was making a mistake -- it was my house and I should "invest myself in it," but I told Paul he was metro and I was a regular guy and if I got a big screen TV it was all I cared about.

Paul was completely correct. I never liked the place -- I always felt it was my wife and Ds house that I just paid for and slept in.  And then, when the bucks started flowing, and it was time for the big upgrade to the 7 figure house, I went looking without Wifey, and found our current place.

I fell in love. I saw myself as Hemingway in the lush tropical setting -- stone walls and a huge fish pond. The house was built by a husband and wife architect team, and patterned after an Italian villa they had seen. It was THE house.  Wifey hesitated --if I was ready to make such a purchase , we needed to see EVERY 7 figure house available in Pinecrest in 2000, and then decide.

Nope. I vetoed that.  Villa Wifey was THE house -- if Wifey didn't want it, that was fine -- we'd happily stay where we were. After sleeping on it, she decided she could rough it -- and we moved in in February of '01.  To this very day, when I go out to fetch the paper, I can't believe I live in such a gorgeous place. I keep waiting to hear a voice saying "Hey kid -- get the hell out of there -- who do you think you are?"

But still, we decided, that time may have come to give it up, and so yesterday Wifey met our friend and realtor Allison to look at a 1928 place in Morningside.  They spent a few hours together there. Wifey told me all the details, but one floored me.

The pictures showed a lovely pool area.  Turns out that was on a SEPARATE lot -- the house for sale didn't include it -- it was for sale for an EXTRA $500K.

Had I been there, I would have had a few choice words for the owner. As in, thanks for wasting my time, asshole. But Wifey and Allison let it slide, and involved themselves in discussions about other house details.

But the point is -- I'm glad I didn't go along. I'm glad I get to stay here, for now.  I'm proud of my marital strategy...

It may turn out that in the areas that interest us, a condo will  be the answer, given my price constraints. I told Wifey so over dinner at Trulucks.  All of this change surrounds, as D1 calls it, a mythical grandchild.  If we're blessed to have the mythical turn into the real -- well, everything can change.

But for now, I'm looking out my windows and seeing no neighbors -- just our gorgeous property. The sun is streaming through the gumbo limbo trees. I love saying that name.  The strange rescue dog and special needs Spaniel are happily snoring behind me.

And John Denver is playing in my head -- hey, it's good to be back home again...

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