Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Final Cool Front

So the news hyped a storm of nasty weather coming through Sunday night. Turned out it was just some rain -- not much at all.  But it did bring in some lovely cool -- last night we were blessed to sleep sans A/C -- maybe tonight, too. Then it will likely be A/c from now on as the heat returns.

D2 would trade places in a moment.  She called this am -- walking in Hoboken, it was 30 degrees. She thought Spring would finally come in the Northeast -- hasn't happened yet.  She's totally over this winter.

Meanwhile, I did my 2.2 miles, as promised to the Ds.  I plan to walk it each day, PLUS start formally exercising as well.  I've been lucky -- normal blood pressure, and after a heart scare last summer learning no buildup in the arteries. But as the Ds noticed, I DO move more and more like an old man -- getting out of a chair and making sounds like my Dad used to.  As the Ds have pointed out, at 56 there's really no reason for that -- exercise can return some flexible movement. That's my goal.

My friend Kenny and I have always had very similar physiques. We look related. But as he has aged, he put in place some things I should have. He watches sports and movies, but always in motion -- his TV is in front of a bike and treadmill. Also, he installed a stand up desk at work -- he's a radiologist and reads his studies standing up. These changes have kept him 65 pounds lighter than I am,and in better shape -- and he doesn't diet.  He will be my model -- I plan to move more.

They opened an awesome food hall next to my office -- in Brickell Citi Centre. It has three floors of fine restaurants and bars. Yesterday Paul, Vince, and I actually ate at the vegetarian place, and it was awesome. Fresh mozzarella, eggplant, a some risotto. I skipped the bread, and had cauliflower instead. It was delicious -- and a step for me. I can do this.

And then, I visited D1's friend Jennah, who has a custom clothing place. I bought new slacks, a shirt, and blazer, and tried them on. Jennah sent pictures to the Ds and Wifey -- they approved.  So who knows -- brand new Dave, as I glide into 57?  Why not?

So Spring is supposed to be a time for new beginnings.  I'm in. Eating better, and less, and moving more.  Like chicken soup for a cold -- couldn't hurt.

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