Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Fighting the Crankiness

So I completed a spectacular weekend, and still realized I was a bit crochety yesterday.  I was on my way to my yearly physical, and couldn't change the clock back in my car.

I started being very annoyed at the whole concept of Daylight Savings Time -- we no longer need it, and it messes things up, and I can't even figure out how to change my car clock.

I pulled into the Lexus service bay, and a friendly valet came out -- no, he couldn't do it either, but he brought over a tech, about my age, and he pushed a few steering wheel buttons and, voila -- the time was correct.  I thanked him, and gave him a $5, and realized he was smiling ear to ear.  He was not at all crochety, or annoyed.  I took his energy as well as his talent for cars...

I know it comes with age.  When we visit my suegra at the Palace -- there are mostly frowns, and sour faces.  And the Palace is lovely -- everyone there is either pretty rich, or has rich kids who have them in a Ritz Carlton of ALFs...

Wifey saw her mother yesterday, and sure enough, she complained.  A lot.  Her back hurt, she's bored, she "never eats."  This last complaint is a source of continuing humor for Wifey and me -- this woman who "never eats" is quite morbidly obese.  In fact, she falls a lot, and we're convinced the fat padding has prevented multiple fractures.

I have to fight the tendency to become a mean old bastard.  I shall.

The physical went very well.  Dr. Cross went over the absurdly detailed lab report she got back from Cleveland Clinic -- the service MDVIP uses.  Even though, for example, my bad cholesterol was low, some different test showed too many particles.

But by and large, Dr. Cross implied, I'm quite healthy for a fat pig.  She didn't use those words, but it was implied.  I had started on an exercise regimen before D1's wedding -- walking 15 miles or so each week, but the disruption of Hurricane Irma ended it -- the moving, hotel restaurants, etc...I pledged to resume the moving, and I shall.

D1 and Joey are at the mid point of their Japanese honeymoon.  D1 FaceTimes us last night -- they're having an awesome time.  Joey sent a video.  Wifey and I watched, and laughed out loud -- this young couple is so adorable, and in love, and savoring each moment together.

Ain't nothing crochety about them.

So I'm accepting Daylight Savings Time.  I must remain upbeat.  With my manifold blessings, if I'm a sour guy, then I'm one ungrateful Daddy in the USA...

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