Saturday, September 2, 2017

The BFCW Finally Here

Time does march, and it's brought us to this sterling weekend -- D1's wedding to Joey.  Wednesday I fetched D2 from MIA, and we had a fine lunch followed by coffee at a new place in Pinecrest -- Buddha Brewing.  The owner, Cassady, is a young man who went to Palmetto High (D2 knew his younger sister) and the man is into his coffee.  We chatted with him, and then I took D2 home.

She and Wifey then drove to Midtown to fetch D1 for the opening event -- D1 being immersed in a mikveh -- the ritual bath.  No men were allowed, but it was reported to me that it was joyous -- Joey's mom Jackie, his grandmother, and several aunts (tias, as we call them) gathered for this ultimate woman bonding ritual.  D1 is going full Jewish throttle for the wedding -- and the mikveh is the first step.

D2 and Wifey came home from Aventura -- and we knew there'd be several more trips.  Early the next am we fetched D2 and drove north again -- this time to Sunny Isles, where Joey's family's synagogue is located -- Beit Rambam.  It's a Sephardic, Latin congregation -- most of the members are Colombian, with a smattering of other nationalities  the rabbi is an Argentine.  We attended an Auf Ruf service, which is a morning prayer announcing an upcoming wedding.  Paul attended with his lady Patricia, and Dr. Barry was there with his boy Josh.  Everyone kept calling the service Ruf Ruf -- appropriate for my dog obsessed family.  Afterwards Jackie and Ricardo catered a lovely breakfast  -- I had joked that, being Sephardic, probably no Ashkenazi soul food.  I was WRONG -- some of the best lox was served.  Barry especially was quite happy -- he took the caterers' card -- two Colombian Jewish sisters.

Thursday there was a dinner for D1 and Joey's friends -- empanadas at a Midtown restaurant.  I called it the "Dad not invited" party, since it was just for those 35 and under -- the Ds' and Joey's friends.  D2's man Jonathan made it in from NYC -- to represent the Venezuelans!  I'm told it was a great time -- D1's friend Esther came, with her boyfriend Andy.  Both are QUITE British -- and enjoyed an immersion into Latin Jewish culture.

Last night, Friday, ANOTHER trip to northern Miami Dade!  It was the final shabbat service before the wedding. We gathered, and the men chanted, while the women observed from the section set for them.  The rabbi said he would speak in Spanish and then English -- he sort of forgot the English part.  I joked with Freddy -- one of D1's friends that he was gentile and understood more than I did -- he's Honduran.  D2's Jonathan listened and then gave me a quick translation -- the couple must ignore the naysayers who would try to bring them down from their marriage.

We had brought our friend Elizabeth -- in from Orlando -- and she loved it.  She greeted everyone in Spanish.  And Latins are, without a doubt, so much warmer than we gringos -- the words they use when they just meet -- "my love" and my life" and "my darling."  We could learn a thing or two from them.

Afterwards there was a delicious dinner -- including some of the best pastrami I ever had.  I asked the caterer -- turns out, her father is a Brooklyn guy, though she is culturally Colombian.  She was trained correctly -- good pastrami is a joy of life.

We dropped Elizabeth in the Grove, and came home after midnight.  D1 and D2 drove home together --they decided to spend the final Friday night together in our house -- back to their girlhoods...

As I write, they're sleeping in -- I have fed all three dogs, and get a lovely, restful Saturday am.  Early in the afternoon we'll drive to Brickell, and check into the East Hotel.  The Ds are sharing a room, and have sister stuff to do -- nails, hair.  I have Dad stuff -- hosting a cocktail party at Trulucks, my go to watering hole.  The guests staying at the East are invited, as well as a few others stopping by.  The Canes first game is today, at noon, and the game goers plan to leave early and stop by -- a few toasts to the about to be new couple.

People have come from far and wide.  Joey's amazing family from South America.  Even D2's man Jonathan's brother and his new wife are coming from LA, and his sister and her new fiance from NYC.  My nephew Henry and his wife Valerie made it in from SF last night -- and we have English friends checking in this am.

Last night I met one of Joey's dear friends.  He's just finished working for the Peace Corps in Africa.  He starts grad school at Columbia next week.  We joked that he came the farthest for the wedding -- and he should get a discount from his new Ivy League school -- Columbia for Colombians...just switch a vowel...

Rabbi Yossi called yesterday.  He said that the marriage of a child causes the most important shabbat weekend of a family's life.  So far, so good.

Now if only the martinis tomorrow night can help with my salsa moves...

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