Friday, September 22, 2017

First Day of Fall and The Sunny Disposition

So Fall begins today, and I hope it brings a cessation of storm season.  Poor bastards in Puerto Rico -- give us nothing to complain about.

Still, Irma heaps annoyances on us.  We came home from an exquisite RH dinner at our new in law's house, to an AC whine.  Sure enough, one of our compressors had blown a motor.  Danny called yesterday, saying he'd get a part and be by today.  In the mean time, we put fans at the border of cool and hot, and blew air to our family room.  The dogs enjoyed the breezes.

Then, around noon, the power went out again.  I checked the FPL site, and sure enough, a main line had gone -- 543 houses affected.  They said they'd restore service by end of day -- which is FPL corporate speak for "whenever."

Also, I hired a crew to remove the fallen trees.  I already paid $1200 for driveway clearing -- the balance will be $6K.  And all my koi are dead.  And, and...

Meanwhile, Paul called, and we chatted.  He noted my positive attitude and sunny disposition about the entire affair.  He gave a dig about how I'm used to living in dirty, disorganized quarters on account of my wife not being a housekeeper, but the main message was positive.  I keep happy, usually despite all annoyances.

I inherited the quality from my Mom. Even in her final months, at a nursing home, she kept up her positive disposition.  I clearly remember our visits.  I'd wheel her outside, she'd feel the sun on her arms, and say "Thank you Mother Nature!" for how good it felt.

We'd go to our spot, a gazebo set among ancient trees at Miami Jewish, and I'd buy us ice creams from the vending machine.  As she ate her chipwich, she'd positively squeal like a child -- how delicious it was.

Mercifully, she was only in some pain and discomfort for the final few days -- her breathing had become labored, and it took a day for hospice to take over and keep her on pain meds.

But until then -- it was all positive.

As I told Paul, it was just my nature as well.  I just didn't see the point about cursing all the darkness.  Hell -- I have to go out today and buy some booze for tomorrow's tailgate party!  My sister of another mister Mirta will be at our house at noon, and we'll cruise to Joe Robbie to be with my brothers and sisters of Canes ball.

How can I be down?

So welcome, Autumn.  Here's to cooler temps, faster than usual.  Go Canes!  Go life!

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