Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Finally Back

Oh me of little FPL faith.  One of my favorite stock holdings claimed our house would have electric by Tuesday night at 11:45.  They're a favorite because they pay a nice dividend, and, unlike other businesses, are immune to failure.  When they screw up, state taxpayers simply bail them out.  But I figured there was no way they'd restore us by then, and I kept our room at the Gables Hyatt through Thursday.

I had Ubered to the office, and when it was time to go, my partner John offered me a ride.  He had dinner plans right next to the Hyatt.  As we were parking on Merrick Drive, a woman was walking her two dogs on the sidewalk.  It was Wifey -- out playing Gablesite for the day.

We retreated to the hotel bar, where the dogs were welcome, and John and I ordered a couple of adult beverages.  Then Wifey reported that our next door neighbor had her power back.  Hmmm...I checked our Nest remote thermostat, and sure enough, it was blue -- the house was cooling.  We were electric again.

John left for his dinner, and I slinked over to the desk, ready to beg for no penalty for canceling the reservation early.  No worries.  The Hyatt staff was most gracious.  Wifey went up to our room, packed our stuff, and off we headed for home.

But we were hungry -- and had dogs in tow.  We stopped, for old times' sake, at Canton, our go-to Chinese place -- venue for many of our early dates.  We sat outside and ate, and Dr. Barry called in, and we got to catch up with him over speaker phone.

Then it was home -- first night in 12 days!  I opened some of the sliding shutters, and the house was mercifully cool.  The dogs had become spoiled -- got used to sleeping in bed with us, and the strange rescue barked a bit.  But then she settled in, as did the spoiled Spaniel, and Wifey and I drifted off to sleep watching a great new HBO show, "The Deuce."

John Denver's classic "Back Home Again" played in my head.  Sometimes this not so old (20 years) house feels like a long lost friend...

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