Thursday, September 21, 2017

From Warm to Hot

So last night was our first Rosh Hashonah with D1's new in laws.  It was lovely.  They are the warmest people -- we gathered around the table in their Aventura condo, on the 31st floor overlooking the Bay.  It was our first Sephardic RH dinner -- they do a few things a bit different -- and there is always rice.

D1's suegro led the prayers, over the different RH foods.  He blessed his three sons, and had me bless D1.  Vera, S1's sister in law, got blessed by her suegra, Jackie.

They aren't particularly religious, but they do follow tradition more than our family does.  S1's younger brother Alan, who has a USC Film School degree, plans to work today.  I think only S1's parents are going to shul, though S1 may join them.  He told me he is so thankful to have married our daughter, he may just make a visit.

The conversation was lively -- current events, being Jewish in South America versus North America -- Trump.  Of course, we all compared tales of Hurricane Irma, but we were kept in context by Jackie telling us she had visited Mexico City and left a day before their devastating earthquake.

As we left, D1 thanked her suegra for the day.  Turns out she had a client up in Aventura, and rather than go back to Midtown, had spent the whole afternoon with her new Mom -- napping and helping prepare for the dinner.  Our beloved D1 truly has a new, additional home.

On the way home, Wifey texted with D2, who was returning from another RH dinner with her man Jonathan.  We told her we had a great evening -- but not awesome, because D2 needed to have been present.  I hope she is -- sooner than later.  She already booked her flights home for T Day.  I was going to host everyone in a restaurant, like I have for the last many years, but S1's brother and sister in law have moved into a lovely new house in Morningside -- and they're hosting.

I told Bob I'd bring the wine and spirits.  He graciously accepted.

We got home, and I noticed a whine coming from outside.  Sure enough, the compressor from our family room A/C was complaining, and the fan not turning.  I took a photo of the plate, and texted Danny, the world's best AC guy -- a true gift referred to us by Norman.

It was 11:30.  Danny texted back -- many compressor motors had been shot by all the power surges caused by the FPL repairs.  He promised to call today -- and hopefully come by to fix the unit.  Fortunately, in this too big house, we have 3 other AC units -- and can retreat to plenty of cool areas.

We enjoy the warm.  We got some of the hot.  Still -- an awesome RH beginning with our new family...

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