Thursday, September 28, 2017

Sadness in the Neighborhood

Mortals trying to understand the logic, if that's what it is, of the Big Man, are on a fools' errand.  Trying to figure out why sometimes leaves one bereft.  Such is the latest...

Danny and Monica moved into our 'hood a few years after we did.  They're Mexican Jews, and grew up in Mexico City with another neighbor, Jose, who is a neurologist at the UM Med School.

During Halloween of '08, D1 made a surprise visit home from UF, and gave out candy to the trick or treaters.   Monica and Danny and their two kids came by, along with a pretty little dog named Peca, which is Spanish for freckle.  D1 fell in love, and pledged to get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  She did, and Madeleine has been a joyful part of the family since.  Years later, a friend called Wifey and said there was another Cavalier up for adoption at Pet Smart.  Wifey flew over, and brought home Bo, which became D2's little guy.  Bo is special needs, and stayed with us when D2 moved to NYC.  But the point is, Danny and Monica are the happy reason my house is infested with Spaniels...

Their oldest boy turned out to be a superstar.  He was accepted at Cornell, as a Chemistry major, and soared there.  After his junior year, he interned at a food company, and they immediately offered him a job upon his graduation.  All seemed terrific.  But then he got sick -- over that summer.

Turned out he had a very rare form of cancer -- in his heart.  His parents took him to Boston and Houston for treatment.  He fought for two years.

A few months ago, I ran into Dr. Jose at a store and asked after Alex.  Jose turned his eyes downward.  I knew never to ask again.

Miami is a very small town-big city.  When I leased Wifey's Lexus, I noticed the saleswoman's last name matched Danny's.  Sure enough -- she was his brother's ex wife -- still very close with the family.  When I leased a second Lexus, in June, I asked about her nephew.  Nothing good to report, Patti said -- but he was enrolled in an experimental treatment protocol.

Not unexpectedly, I guess, but still shockingly, Alex died on Sunday.  His funeral was yesterday.  Wifey and I plan to make a shiva call tonight.

We know there are really no comforting words.  I plan to just be there, and listen, if called upon to do do.  These wonderful people, who do everything for their kids, as we do, have suffered the worst of all losses.  Again -- there's now why.  It just is.

Thankfully, they have another child -- a girl who attends college in state.  I know she will bring meaning to these nice people.

Meanwhile, the big day is coming for we Jews -- tomorrow night.  Yom Kippur -- the Day of Atonement.

I'm skipping services this year, as I have for the past years.  I plan to fast, though.  I think it's good for the soul to go without the comfort of food -- at least one day per year.

I plan to just sit around Saturday -- and reflect.  D1 and S1 have invited us to a break the fast in Aventura, with S1's family.  Wifey and I have politely declined -- September has been quite the month -- and we choose to cruise into October quietly.

But as I sit, and reflect, our neighbors will be heavy in my heart.  I just hope the Big Man brings them peace -- after this most terrible of trials.

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