Thursday, December 22, 2016

In the Shadow of the Evening Trees

The glorious weather has returned with the second day of Winter today.  It's still a bit warm, but the humidity is fine, and the breezes blow in a lovely way off the ocean.

Our friends Sheryl and Mark are here from Boston, and asked us to play hookey with them the day before they leave on a 10 day cruise.  We agreed.

I had a meeting on Brickell, which could wait, and so our friends came over around 1, and we took Wifey's plush SUV down to Black Point Marina.  We ate fresh fish, and conch, and walked around the marina, watching the pelicans and cormorants swoop, and schools of mullet swim in the water off the dock.

We thought about heading to Knauss Berry Farm, but no one had room for milkshakes, and besides, Wifey likes to turn guests onto Chill-N, a local yogurt and ice cream shop that makes extra creamy desserts using liquid nitrogen as a cooling agent.  It works -- Sheryl and Mark said it was some of the best they tasted, and Boston, where they live, is a world class ice cream town.

We came back home, and talked for hours -- comparing dysfunction of our extended families.  Sheryl hasn't spoken to one of her brothers in years, and Mark has a sister he last talked to when his daughter was born -- 28 years ago.  Poor Wifey is an only child.  She had no tales to tell...

Our friends left, and I walked outside to open the front gates.  It was completely dark, at 6 pm.  The temperature was perfect.

The next door neighbor Alfredo was hanging lights on a new playground he had installed for his small kids.  I heard him lovingly speak to his 2 year old daughter, who watched him at his task.

Across the street, John and Monica were stringing Christmas lights on their newly trimmed palm and tab trees.  Christmas is just a few nights away.

I looked at the sky -- the stars were coming out, and easily seen during this new moon period.  I thanked the Big Man for all his manifold blessings.

Wifey and I still have a trip to make to see her ancient mom -- finishing week 1 in rehab.

When we return, I think the chaise lounge outside has my name on can never get enough of lovely, warm Miami winter night air...

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