Friday, November 25, 2016

Go On Downtown, Baby, And Find Somebody to Love

So yesterday we had a banner T Day, which actually began on Wednesday. Our friend Elizabeth didn't go over the river and through the woods, but she DID fight over 6 hours worth of traffic to drive to the 305 from Orlando -- here for her usual T Day visit.  Wifey was out, so I greeted her with ice water and a lovely afternoon breeze -- we sat outside, and caught up nicely on our lives.  She left early T Day for her sister's Grove Isle T Day.  It was lovely to see her.

At midnight, I got the text from D2 -- American Airlines had done its job well, and she and long time friend Ben were on the tarmac at MIA.  I leisurely planned my pick -- like the famous Seinfeld episode, I pride myself on efficient and perfect pickups at MIA -- and I was OFF.  Although the nasty LGA gate agent snatched D2's carry on and checked it, the bag was waiting for D2 and Ben, and they were ready for pickup maybe 20 minutes after landing.  I sped up Wifey's SUV and minimized their wait.

It was so great to get her, and Ben. They've been buddies since 6th grade, and Ben now teaches special ed in the Bronx.  We talked on the way home about how different my family's original US home is now from 100 years ago, when my parents met before together attending James Monroe High. Ben told me it's not even a regular high school anymore...

D2 savored her dog reunion, and then went to sleep.  The next am Wifey, D2, Elizabeth and I watched the Macy's Parade, and talked about D2's employment with, of course, Macy's.  Had D2 stayed in the City, she could have been a balloon holder.  She preferred to be with us.  The time crept up, and we scrambled to get ready. I fetched ancient suegra, and was pleasantly surprised:  she's now into week 3 of the mood stabilizer Selexa, and the drug works!  The old woman was calm, and not at all difficult and obnoxious.  Better aging through chemistry!

We drove to Christy's for our 12:30 reservation, and met D1, her fiance Joey, Joey's Mom Jacqui, and D2's man Jonathan and his parents and sister.  We toasted, and feasted.  The two Venezuelan men had steak -- the rest of us traditional turkey. I convinced Lizbeth, Jonathan's Mom, to have a glass of wine, and she giggled a lot.  It was an awesome T Day meal.

Many friends go on and on about how T Day "must be at home." I call BS.  The no fuss and muss leaves everyone at the restaurant calm and happy -- except the cooks and staff, and they get PAID for the tsuris...I tipped our waiter Lester very well, and we left thankful, full, and happy.

D1 drove home D2 -- she's staying with us to catch up on sister time.

The first order of business, post meal, was naps. The Ds retreated to D2's room, I put on jazz in the library and grabbed a quality hour on the couch there, and Wifey watched old movies with the old woman.  My suegra does NOT nap.  She's nearly 92 and goes all day with absurd energy.

Wifey drove her home, and then Wifey , the Ds and I reconvened. D1's birthday is Sunday, and she had a request: family movie together at the Falls.  D1 is a huge Harry Potter fan, and there's a new JK Rowling film out -- something about Special creatures. D2 smirked, and refused, and then we bought tickets.  The 4 of us went to a very empty mall, and watched a very entertaining movie -- amazing special effects, and watchable tale.

The D2 went to bed early, and Wifey retired to her outside, night time gardening.  The Ds find this hilarious -- I'm used to it, along with Wifey's growing eccentricities...makes life interesting as we age.

Both my awesome girls were home, peacefully sleeping, like they did for so many years as little girls.

I am truly one very lucky and thankful Daddy in the USA.

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