Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ho Ho Hoachhh ptooey

And so it is again this year: people hang colored lights on their houses and unconsenting shrubbery, bring evergreen trees (some made of crappy plastic) into their living rooms, and gather to eat festive meals -- all in honor of the birth of one person: Wifey! Yes, Wifey's birthday is December 25th, and I know for several of us, she is our own personal savior... D2 made it home safely from Gville, adorable Bo the special needs Spaniel in tow. D1 dropped her spoiled Spaniel here, and we've been enjoying a much more bustling house. I worked some today -- helping Stu and John get out some end of the year correspondence -- to hopefully bring all some more shekels in 2015. Tonight we're heading to Tropical Chinese -- the Ds, boyfriends, maybe Dr. Barry, if he can get away from the PICU for a few hours, Wifey, and me. It'll be the 5th year in a row for Noche Buena para los Judios, or Christmas Eve for the Jews. The food is great, and we always see folks from the 'hood -- Tropical is THE Chinese place for South Miami Dade. We'll toast Wifey's birthday, although the number shall not be spoken, under strict orders from the birthday girl. Tomorrow, the actual Wifey Birthday, we'll fetch D1 after work (she is working this Christmas) and then head to Pembroke Pines, so Wifey can visit with her mother. I think Wifey found a Japanese restaurant in the Pines where we can all meet. It's really a terrific time of the year. Another blessed cool front is due in, and if all goes to plan, I will light a fire tomorrow night in the fire pit, and Wifey and I can toast her birthday with some steaming hot herbal tea. I plan to mostly hang around during the week -- D2 is here -- and then comes New Year's Eve. We have plans to hit Salvatore, the Italian place we love, with Norman and Deb, and then maybe a party at my old high school friend Kenny's house -- although many of the guests will be his wife's colleagues -- law school professors. If there's a group of professionals I don't really dig, it's law school professors -- but many of these folks are ok... And so 2014 slouches to a close. It'll now be two years, come April, that I've been an orphan. In that regard, my sister of another mother Mirta called yesterday -- to tell me she's starting a business for her elder care activities -- and calling it "Sunny Companions" after my mother. She really brightened my day with that news. So happy birthday, Wifey! We all love and savor you -- wrecked cars and all. And Merry Wifey's Birthday to all!

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