Friday, May 17, 2013

All the Cars in Front of the House

As D1 is finishing her Master's degree, and D2 is now a college senior, the times of having them both home are becoming more precious. This am, I awoke and took a shower, and when I emerged, I heard the Spoiled Spaniel barking out back. That meant someone had let her out. I assumed it was Wifey, but she was still fast asleep. D2 only wakes early when something really important is going on, so that would have been unusual. And then I looked out front, and solved the small mystery: there was a little white care parked next to D2's red car. D1 was home. Turned out she had dropped her boyfriend off at MIA for a trip to see his family, and decided to come over. We have Daddy=daughters lunch planned for today. But I can't gainsay how much seeing both cars parked in front of our house warmed me. Truly the little things are what make a house a home... I came downstairs and chatted with D1, who was making banana French toast. She just completed her hospital internship and starts one at a South Miami eating disorder clinic on Monday. After 7 weeks there, she has just one final one to complete: a commercial kitchen. Hopefully that one will be at U M Hospital as well, and then it's on to take her RD exam. After she ate, she crawled into bed with her sister, just like they did when they were little. We'll always treasure a crayon drawing D1 made in Kindergarten. The instruction was "Draw Your Favorite Thing to Sleep With." Most kids drew pictures of blankets, or stuffed animals. D1 drew a picture of a little girl next to an even smaller girl: her sister was HER favorite thing to sleep with ... So these are the good old days, and sometimes I remember that just by seeing an extra car parked out front...

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