Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Back From the Edge

Years ago, I learned he term "porpoising" which means a person near the end of life swimming up and down and up again. And so it was with my mother -- I saw her yesterday, and she had rallied from what I thought might be the end. I visited her and she was back to her happy, secular humanist self, exclaiming "Oh thank you, Mother Nature!" when I wheeled her into the sun. I took her to the restaurant on the Jewish Home campus, and bought her a slice of pizza and a coke, and she savored that pizza with such gusto. Afterwards, we sat by the aviary, and she cooed and sang to the love birds and finches. She was joyous. It was lovely to see, of course. Then I headed to the office for some paperwork pushing, and left around 4 to drive to meet my friend and broker Pat at the Riviera Country Club. We sat outside and watched the golfers, while discussing upcoming tax changes and how they affect my investments. But we mostly talked about our great kids, and colorful friends, and college football. Dr. Barry called, and needed some consligiere services, in dealing with the circus like atmosphere of his hospital and staff, and so we met at 94th Aero Squadron by MIA. He has the Chinese curse at his job -- he lives in interesting times, but we parsed the issues and then turned to the more important matters of kids, colorful friends, and college football. In a few hours I pick up D1, spoiled Spaniel in tow, and head to Gainesville, to watch D2 get inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. We'll take some of the sorority girls to dinner, and then head back the next day, early. D1 has a gig with her cognac company -- Art Basel is here, and the high rollers are in town. So life unfolds, in this best time of year in Miami. Ancient Mom has rallied, and enjoys her days, partly in reality, and partly in super reality. Things just roll along.

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