Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Yawn

So today is Super Bowl Sunday, and my indifference towards the game has reached new heights or depths. The only NFL team I sort of care about, the Dolphins, last appeared in the big game close to 30 years ago, and the way the current clownish management is handling the team, it may be at least that long before they make it again.

Still, Wifey and I will do our patriotic duty, and attend a Super Bowl party, hosted by Ken and Joelle. Kenny is a native Long Islander, which means his boyhood team, like mine, is the Jets, and he lived in Boston for awhile, so I'm guessing he wants the Pats to win. But there will be Anthony's Coal Fired, and wings, and beer, so we will go to fulfill our responsibilities as Americans.

I actually went to 3 Fins games this year, the most in a long while. Mike invited me to a couple, and we had a great time, and a banker gave me 4 amazing seats to the final game, against the Jets, and that was fun, too. Dr. Barry and his boy Scott love the Jets, and Dr. Eric and I pull for the Fins, and the 4 of us attended and laughed and cheered on a gorgeous Miami New Year's Day.

Back in college, the Super Bowl was a big deal -- a fine excuse to drink. We were most creative finding excuses in those days. The old Steve Martin routine about smoking weed only part of the time comes to mind: "Never at dusk..."

I remember one party in particular, January of '81. The Eagles played the Raiders. We had several neighbors bring in portable TVs, to go along with our 11 inch black and while model, and we filled our bath tub with ice and Moosehead beer. Everyone brought food -- pizza, chili, subs. We probably packed 60 folks into our small apartment -- folks literally hanging over the outside stairwell, and some passed out in the inside stairwell as well. Well...

Dr. Barry, hell bent on getting into med school, left immediately after the game and headed to the library. I was an English major by then, so I headed to my room and a book of Italian poetry.

Ah, I was my youngest daughter's age, and yet felt grown up already.

So I'll cheer today for who I always do: former Canes players. The Giants have two, and the Pats have one -- all 3 on defense. I'm sure there'll be some good commercials. And there'll be cold beer.

Could be worse...

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