Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cognac and Dinner

So D1 had a busy day off from "Gradual School." That misnomer is actually accurate, as she just learned that, due to scheduling shortages at FIU, she'll be delayed a bit more before she gets her Masters degree.

She was annoyed, but I reminded her that most grad students get delayed. Plus, she skipped a grade when she was in elementary school, so she's still ahead of the curve. Still, she wants to join the real world already! It will come...

She went to Homestead yesterday to get training at a shelter for battered women, as part of her Junior League activities. Then, it was on to a local liquor store in the Gables, where she sold cognac for a local distributor.

We went out with Steve and Susan and visited her. Steve and Susan are D2's good friend Spencer's parents -- a couple we've always liked but never had the chance to socialize with . After spending some time at D1's gig, it was off to Shula's for dinner. Alas, no one ordered the famous onion burger, but the food was still great and company even finer.

Steve works in the financial world, and Susan in Child Protection at the U. She knows Barry. Their 3 kids are terrific -- a senior and junior at the U, as well as a high school sophomore.

We shared tales of our kids and how we met, and empty nesterhood, here and coming...

Wifey's excited about the Oscars tonight. I couldn't care less -- I find awards shows in general boring beyond belief, and as I'm not much of a movie guy, the Oscars is irrelevant to me big time.

We each have our tv loves. She remains amazed that I can watch 3 complete football games in a single day. But THAT'S entertainment!

D2 comes home for Spring Break Friday. She'll spend much of it at a resort in the Keys, but for a few precious days, we'll have both Ds with us. That's as good as it gets...

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