Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back...Back in the Gainesville Groove

Dr. Barry and I met last week for a beer and some octopus at the Greek place near JMH, and we discussed a recent "Atlantic Monthly" article about helicopter parenting. It was written by a psychologist who reported that Gen X ers come to see her with issues, and their history reveals that they love their parents TOO much, as their parents have done nothing but made their lives easier...

With that in mind, I left with D2 for her Summer B session at UF. Ha! The truth is, I am paranoid about that damned drive up the Turnpike, and I chose to go with her to move her car there for the next 3 years of college.

D2 is not required to take a Summer session, and in fact is not enrolled, but is starting a research project with a Psych professor, and I wondered why anyone would choose to voluntarily spend Summer in a place even hotter and humid than Miami.

Alas --it turns out that Summer for UF students is, as D2 described it, Summer sleepaway camp for grownups. Most of D2's friends are there, and the minimal class schedules and less crowded nature of Gainesville in Summer makes for a surfeit of partying and hanging out.

So D2 and I drove to Delray, saw Ancient Mom, and brought some deli sandwiches. Mom shared some glorious non sensical life advice with D2 "It's ok to fool around, but stay serious" and D2 and I laughed heartily. Yogi Berra has nothing on my mother, especially as she grows more senile...

We then made a straight shot to the 352, passing through torrential rain north of Ocala ("A HA!" I thought to myself --"Good thing I did the driving!"). We were greeted by Ashley, D2's summer roommate and sorority sister. The two girls will live in the "Creamsicle," a bungalo next to the sorority house so named because of its paint color.

We then fetched Josh at the ZBT house, where he was hard at work readying the house for the Fall, and headed to the Copper Monkey for dinner. The CM has been there since 1980, and I always like to visit --I was first there myself when my UM friends and I visited Gville and some coeds in the early 80s...

We dropped off Josh, and went to see "Bad Teacher," at a 1030 pm showing! D2 was impressed --I'm usually long asleep by then, but I figured when in a college town, you have to do as the college kids do...

Saturday I took the girls to the Flying Biscuit for breakfast. Ashley had never been, and was properly impressed. From there, they dropped me at GNV, where I flew home.

And so D2 is in College Summer Camp. She's flying back home in a few weeks to celebrate my 50th birthday. How can that be? I'm still the same age as D2 and her friends? Didn't Drs. Barry and Eric and Mark and I just go to Skeeters on Archer Road, and eat enormous biscuits? How has 1981 become 2011?

Must be some type of time warp...

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