Saturday, October 16, 2010

The In Laws

So Wifey and I were sitting around talking last night. We do that a lot lately, in our quiet, empty house. It was Friday night, and we thought about going out, and then simultaneously said "Nah!"

I mentioned that I got an IM from one of our D's friend's mothers, about a mutual acquiantance. Wifey said "I bet she didn't ask at all about the Ds --right?" Wifey was right --the woman, as usual, didn't express the slightest interest, even though the Ds had spent a LOT of time with her and her son.

It caused us to reflect on the subject of in laws...

What an awful business it is. Just when you get, hopefully, some order and stability in the relationship you have with your adult kids, you are forced to accept another couple into your orbit. Ay caramba!

Of course, I easily win the award in the world's most annoyting in laws contest. Mine are Holocaust Survivors, so they are forgiven for much of their jaded views, but still...

These people have known me for over 1/4 of a century. In that time, I have treated their daughter, well, acceptably. I have treated THEM like royalty. I bought them a condo, and have paid for their vacations, meals, etc...

Recently, Wifey was with them at a bank, putting her signature on their accounts, since they're in their 80s now. My father in law made it clear that I was not to have any involvement --because, well "you never know..."

So, I have to deal with not having access to his accounts. Wifey explains that's the way he is, and I get it, but, after all I've done for this man, it still stings...

Then again, I haven't met the in law I'd choose. My friends' in laws run the gamut from absent, to annoying, to downright evil...

So far, Wifey and I earn high marks from the Ds' boyfriends. We take them on vacations, and always make them feel more than welcome in our house.

My criterion is simple: if the young man treats my daughter well --he's ok with me.

Of course, we'll see how things turn out. Maybe I'll become too controlling, or opinionated.

Will Wifey and I make good in laws some day?

I hope we're blessed to find out.

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