Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Putting Stuff Off

Last December, my family joined Eric's family for a 4 day cruise. We all had a real good time. We went to Mexico, but the destination was really irrelevant --the point was sharing good times with old, dear friends.

This December, we're trying to have Barry join us with his family. Alas -- he said he can't because, as the only Jew in his Division, he feels compelled to work Christmas week.

Wifey suggested I email his Division Chief, Patti, one of his closest friends, and ask her to change his schedule. I was reluctant, but then I did it. Patti didn't miss a beat --she texted me the next morning to say she had rearranged the schedule to give Barry hsi first Christmas week off since 1993.

Patti's a terrific person. She's a retired Navy officer, and heads the UM/JMH Critical Care Pediatrics Division with compassion, strength, and brilliance. She's got one of the keenest senses of humor around --I think Barry has only lasted as long as he has in the PICU because of his fellow sufferer.

I told Patti she was doing him a big favor taking over Christmas for him. "Nah --if he's a little less morose when he returns from your trip, it'll be more than worth it."

I was telling my partner Paul about my intervention. He told me about a recent funeral of one of his neighbors --the fellow died of cancer in his late 50s. He owned "Shorty's" , a famous local barbecue place. This death brought home the capriciousness of fate.

I hope Barry joins us. His boys will be near 13 and 12, and would absolutely love hanging with Eric's boy Josh, who'll be nearing 16. They can shoot baskets and play golf, while we drink and tell stories of the past 30 years of our friendship.

I really have no desire to travel to any more of the world. I mean, maybe Japan and Argentina are the only 2 places that hold even a moderate attraction for me, and if I don't see these places --no true regrets.

I've been to Istanbul and Israel. I've drunk beer in Copenhagen and eaten chocolates in Vienna. I've felt the golden afternoon in Luxumburg Gardens in Paris.

I still prefer a good meal and drinks with close friends. And --this cruise stops by Key West. They just finished renovating the Little White House, where Truman spent a lot of time, and I want to check it out.

I ain't putting off nothing I want to do. I hope Barry gets on board, literally.

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