Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Irresolution

And so this is 2009. I'm up early as usual, even though I went to sleep at about 3 am. This was the first New Year's Eve where Wifey and I are essentially empty nesters, and we decided to go "out on the town" for the first time --well, in many years.

I used to go out in college, and beginning in grad school, always hosted parties. My first year of law school, New Year's 1983-1984, Eric and I had a great bash at our apartment. Wifey chose not to attend, because, well, my old girlfriend was spending the night, as she recalls. What a party pooper!

Since Wifey and I got together, we hosted New Year's parties. 1986/87 we were living in our first house, and about to be married. Our party that year was our "rehearsal dinner," where we brought in Chinese food and prepared for the upcoming nuptials. 1987/88 we had over 100 people in our tiny house, and our friend Elizabeth's then husband, the rocker Pat Travers, played music for us. It was a blast --he even invited me to join him for an off key (because of my singing) rendition of "Rocky Raccoon." Ah --we were so young.

In 1999/00, we had another huge party --in our last house. To celebrate the world not ending at the stroke of the millennium, D2 joined me in jumping into the swimming pool.

In the ensuing years, we hosted Hurricane Bowl watch parties, and a few progressive dinners in the neighborhood. The low point, though, was last year, when we were invited to some friends in the neighborhood, and everyone left before midnight.

I resolved, this year, to go out. Wifey and I had a great seafood dinner at a local joint, and about 930 our friends Dave and Maureen came over, along with our friend and neighbor Charlie --temporarily bachelor while his wife is in Chicago with their first grandchild.

Dave and MAureen's daughter came along, and we drank 2 bottles of champagne, before dropping the daughter at another party. The 5 of us then went to Coral Gables, where Dave had heard a blues band was playing.

He was right --it was in a German tavern called Fritz and Franz. We drank beer and wine, while Albert Caviglia and his band performed. They were terrific. Albert, the leader, is sharply funny and a great guitarist and singer, and he had us laughing with blues songs about growing up rich in Coral Gables, and the fact that the economy left him with a "201K" account.

Wifey and I danced, and kissed at midnight, and Dave, MAureen, and Charlie really loved the music. The band ended with a Hendrix set, which caused Charlie to reminisce about his days at the University of Maryland in the 60s.

We toasted our childrens' health, and we toasted to friendship. It was a fine, fine way to ring out/ring in.

As for resolutions...NAH! 2008 brought some sadness and challenge, and some joy and laughter. I suspect we're in for more of the same.

There were mighty strange examples of human nature --folks acting WAY out of character; some acting, comically way WITHIN character.

I drank my coffee this morning in a spectacular dawn. Ds 1 and 2 slept over at their parties; Wifey is still sleeping. I look forward to a marathon nap to the background of college bowl games. Such is the new year --small wonders and pleasures.

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