Monday, July 21, 2008

Dream Job

Our friend Elizabeth was in town this weekend, to celebrate her big 5-0 with us and her family. We loved having her here --she's a lovely house guest.

Last night, she asked us to go to Grove Isle for a dinner with her sister Ruby, who lives there, and a gentleman friend named Gregg. Liz was fixed up with Gregg by a mutual friend, but, alas, there seems to be a lack of "chemicals," as my mother in law malaprops.

Too bad. Gregg is a great fellow, born and raised in Minneapolis, who has my dream job: CEO of a charitable foundation. He spends his days deciding which charities to give money to --and typically they relate to health care for children, or education for deserving students.

The foundation was started by a transportation magnate in the Midwest, who had one son, who died after a lifetime of mental illness. Greg is the great nephew of the founder, and really the only family member. Greg himself has an interesting story --his mother died in childbirth, he was an only child, and has, as he reports, "zero family."

But, he lives part of the year in South Fla and part in Minneapolis, meeting with hospital administrators and educators, charged with giving away nearly $10M per year.

I couldn't imagine a better job --being charged with doing so much good, in a responsible way. I'd hate to be the REQUESTOR of charity, but it's great to be the giver.

He truly loves his job. The foundation is having its name put on a neonatal intensive care unit soon, and Gregg gets to write the check.

I joked with Wifey that if Elizabeth won't date this fellow --hell --he's MY type!

But, for me, back to work today, keeping my aging law practice limping along. I'll send out some legal papers today that will probably annoy their targets. How much grander it would be to send out a check to a children's hospital!

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