Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dog Days

I just got back from my daily constitutional, and it was less than it's usual lovely experience. It's been raining for a few days, and now the awful mosquitoes are here in force. I once went flats fishing in the Everglades in summer, and running from the car to the boat, my arms and legs grew black with the bugs. It's not that bad here today, but seems like it could get there.

People with good sense have left town until the climate grows friendly again. One neighbor is in Pennsylvania, another in Maine. It's said that in summer Asheville, NC and its surrounding area has more Dade County residents than locals.

Maybe after D2 graduates, Wifey and I will "summer" elsewhere, but not yet.

So, for now, it's saying prayerful thanks to Mr. Carrier and his invention, and especially for the fellow who figured out how to air condition cars.

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