Monday, October 8, 2007

Saying Goodbye

Yesterday Wifey's dear friend Jeannette celebrated her 51st with a lovely brunch at her house. Her daughters Sam and Erica came in from UCF and FSU, and we had a fine time with Jeannette's delightful parents, cousins and family, and aunt and uncle.

It was great catching up with Sam and Erica, whom I've known since they were born. Erica's a happy FSU freshman, continuing the streak I always joke about: EVERYONE I know who went to FSU loved it, with one exception (wifey). Apparently, the South Georgia Christian girls made wifey feel out of place, so she transferred here to FIU.

Sam's applying to law school, and I wish her well. I wrote her a recommendation letter, and hope to hear she's been accepted by either UM or FIU, her two top choices. She wants to be a real estate lawyer, or possibly family lawyer. She's bright, honest, mature, and caring. She'll excell in whatever field she chooses.

LAte in the afternoon, the party was still going on, and the men were watching the hapless Dolphins lose again. Sam and Erica left for Orlando and Tallahassee. It was so bittersweet to watch them go.

Of course, it brought back feelings of Daughter #1 when she leaves for UF. I'm thrilled for her, and she loves it there, but I miss her terribly each time she walks out the door.

Daughter #2 will be striking out on her own soon enough, hopefully, in less than three years.

Where does the time go? Aren't these girls still in Grade School? I remember Sam as a delightful and earnest toddler. Erica had blonde curls, and turned beet red when she had a tantrum. They're both in college, with one close to graduating?

It's rainy outside tonight. Maybe I'll stand in the dark drizzle , so wifey won't notice the "Sunrise, Sunset" wistful tears.

1 comment:

Monica said...

daddddyyy!!! we are both still your little girls! forever!