Sunday, October 21, 2007

Grumpy Old Man

I guess as a man ages he becomes more like his father. It's happening to me.

My Dad rarely had use for people or social engagements. He was a succesful salesman, but when retired, usually preferred a good book to a party. My mother would go out without him, while my father read or watched a movie. An exception was if he had the opportunity to be with an educated person. Dad was a self educated intellectual, and felt it worthwhile to listen to someone who had something to teach. Small talk: not so much.

I'm relating to this more and more. Last night I went to a birthday dinner for a cop friend of mine. It was a pleasant enough evening, and I had 3 beers, but the conversation was essentially cop talk and little else. Oh --one of the wives, herself a former cop, held court for a full hour about her back injury following a car crash caused by a drunk driver, including details about which therapists were best, and which trainers helped the most. Yawn.

As I thought about the evening, I felt the way I do when I see a really bad movie, like someone stole hours of my time. I've concluded that my time is my most precious asset, and I loathe wasting it. Now -- I can KILL time prodigiously, just walking around, staring at the trees, etc... But that's MY time, and last night I felt it wasn't.

I made a half hearted attempt to beg off last night's party, but ended up going (after the spectacular Canes win over FSU). I listened to the talk about working out, and motorcycles, and injuries. Next time I'll take a stronger stand, and avoid doing something I know will be BORING.

I know you can't spend all your time with PhDs, nor would I want to. But my father had it right --sometimes an evening home with a good book, instead of listening to the puerile, is the way to go.

1 comment:

susanhopkins said...

S'funny how we parallel- just that I was slower to mature, but I'm catching up.
Friday night I went to a double birthday celebration. Invite asked we bring a drink, maybe a side dish and some horrible secret that would make the birthday women cringe. You know- roast them.
AS the guests wandered around the garden (gorgeous) I realized I was acting like a butterfly (or wasp) just flitting from one banal (to me) conversation to another. Work, who knows who, from where and guess who had a heart attack, divorce or came out as gay. Roast never happened- there was just no core to the guests-
Waaaaaaaaaa- I want to care, really I do, but I don't. I begged out at
10 and caught some late night comedy.