Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 So as the plague continues, I remain reluctant to go to my doctors' offices. I did see the eye doc, as the exam on my retinas had to be done in person, but then my urology man, Dr. P (ha!) wanted to see me in person. I politely declined, and set it up for telemed.

Yesterday we had our meeting. I've been on finasteride 2 months, and told him I would do an ad for the drug, even though it's long been generic and no big pharma needs the marketing. The drug actually shrinks the prostate, and for me it's been amazing -- my nightly trips to pee have gone from 2-3 to 0-1. I no longer have that awful urgency, either, where all of a sudden I feel like I'm going to lose it.

The only problem with the drug is it is thought to slightly increase the risk for a particularly lethal type of prostate cancer -- though it's debatable. Hey -- every drug has risks, and this one is working very well.

Dr. P said patients who respond like I do only tend to get even better. I told him if that happens, I'll need to re-apply to college and attend, since I'll be urologically in my 20s again. He laughed.  He also told me to check my PSA near the end of the year, and maybe see him live by then. I guess he or his capable PAs miss the DRE -- digital rectal exam. I do NOT miss that at all.

Still -- nice to get nice news from a doc, so I can focus on all my other sources of anxiety...

On another front, we had a rare "Is this Switzerland?" moment with local government. The mosquitoes are , or were, very bad, and our annoying neighbor Riva correctly suggested we all report the issue to the local mosquito control board at Miami Dade County. I did it, online, and less than 24 hours later, while Wifey and I were on our way to D2 and Joey's house, I got a call from an inspector -- needing access to my property through the gate. I told the fellow I couldn't believe how fast the service was, and he said he tries to be "Jimmy Johns fast." He called back, saying he sprayed some bromeliads and dumped water out of a pot in our backyard, and the pond wasn't a worry -- no active bugs. I told him the fish eat the larvae, and the pond was never a problem.

Sure enough -- the crew visited Jeff and Lili's house, too. Turns out a lot of out neighbors complained, and the County jumped right on it. I was way impressed...

Meanwhile, Wifey is getting ready to go back to work tomorrow -- as temporary replacement nanny for our grandson. His nanny is taking a week off, and Wifey is ready for service. We'll both go visit tomorrow, and then she'll stay there for at least a week. The nanny is due back then, but has to get Covid tested before resuming work, and that may take some more time. Wifey is ready for the long haul, and I have explained to the strange rescue dog and special needs Spaniel that it's going to be just them and me for awhile. They were nonplussed.

We actually had some law work yesterday -- Paul and I Zoomed with our man Stuart about the handling of an upcoming mediation.  No jury trials are set until next Spring, and reluctant defendants have no real reason to settle without the threat of a jury decision. These are some interesting times...

My sometimes morning walking partner Jeff is unavailable for awhile. He and Lili are driving their youngest up to NC this am -- she's a rising junior at Duke, and Duke is one of the few colleges holding live classes.  They plan to drive straight to Durham -- I guess about 12 hours - and get her moved in to an off campus apartment. They're due back this weekend. I called to wish Jeff a safe and good trip -- though I guess the fun part is tough to come by in these stressful times.

Well -- I'm off for my morning walk. The last few days I've exceeded 11 miles. This am I stepped on the scale and saw 219 -- still not at all flaco, but down quite a ways from my embarrassing high of 262 last year. I figure the anxiety walking, and accompanying diminution of my appetite can get me down to 200 in a few more months -- and I plan to stay at that level, even if I am blessed to see the end of the plague.

Turns out the Ds and their men want me around for awhile -- lots to teach my grandson, and hopefully other grandkids to come. I plan to do my level best to comply.

Even though that means in person urology visits -- and the DRE...

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