Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Lovely Weekend

 So the plague news is cautiously better, at least in Florida, with a diminution of new cases and lower hospital numbers.

Friday evening I attended Eric and Dana's Zoom shabbat, putting our new home wifi to the test. It passed -- first time without dropping the signal. I think Carlos fixed us this time.

At 7, I hosted, as Wifey cooked in the kitchen behind me. It was  great virtual party -- Eric and Dana ate dinner and drank, and Barry, Josh, Donna hosted Phyllis, and later on, D1 and Joey joined in. We were all on until 9:30 p.m. -- caught up about our grandkids, kids, and other friends.

Saturday the Ds, their men, dogs, and one baby descended happily upon us. We Uber Eats ordered Chana, the good Asian place across from the Falls, and D2 and Jonathan took the little guy swimming. He has a little inflatable boat, and D2 realized he looked like a Russian oligarch on his yacht, the way he sat back and surveyed the scene.

I poured drinks, and the day was truly as good as it could have ever been -- together with my sacred family...with dogs taking part.

D2 and Joey packed up the baby and spoiled Spaniel and left for home, and then D2 invited her old friend Tara and boyfriend Robbie over for an outdoor, distanced visit. They brought their big dog Koda, who frolicked with Betsy, and we took all the dogs for a masked walk through the 'hood.

We returned to the pool area, Wifey set up a fan, and I bartended with mezcal sodas on ice. It was great to hear from the two young lawyers -- former Dade prosecutors now working in Workers Comp and PI. They live on Brickell, but have been staying near us at Robbie's Dad's Clay's house -- more room for them and the dog, and just nice to be out of the packed Brickell 'hood during the pandemic.

The young folks left around 7, and Wifey and I sighed happily -- so blessed with our amazing kids, sons in law, grandson, and grand dogs...

D1 had bought me a birthday gift, and it arrived late. I wore it today on my am walk. It's a shirt that says I'm a cool rockin' Daddy in the USA.

Indeed. And, thanks to the blessings of the Big Man, a most fortunate one, too.

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