Sunday, May 3, 2020

Walking, But Not Just For Anxiety

I've been walking lately, to battle the anxiety of the plague. A lot. Most days I do between 6-8 miles. My high was 12 miles. Today, there was a purpose, sort of. I walked with my buddy Jeff for Friendship Circle.

FC is a wonderful group started by friends Nechama and Yossi. It pairs high school volunteers with special needs kids -- mostly autistic -- who otherwise wouldn't have social opportunities with kids. The new Chabad Center will have a huge facility for the FC, and each year they have a Walkathon.

This year, of course, it was virtual, but still raised close to $200K. Jeff always does the Walkathon, and asked me to do it with him. We walked 4 miles through the 'hood, and posted photos on the web site.  It was nice to have more of a purpose for my perambulations...

All the walking, and much less eating, have had a side effect: I've lost probably about 20 lbs. That's the good news. The bad news is that I probably ought to lost 40 more to be in reasonable shape.  I hope to do it WITHOUT plague assistance...

Meanwhile, live goes on. D2 and Jonathan actually went to look at a house for sale today. Their lease is up in September, and they're thinking about either renting a townhouse, or maybe buying. They know this plague will probably make things a complete buyers' market, and may take advantage of that.

Today, I plan to keep on quarantining...I just made Wifey and myself some mushroom, tomatoes, and scrambled egg hash for brunch. Wifey loves when I bring it to her in her recliner chair.

I've already done 6 miles today, and may try to double it later, temperature permitting.

Other than that, it's another Sunday in pandemic land. I really, really hope May is better than April...

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