Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday In The Park

 So my nephew of another brother Scott was coming down for Dr. Barry's birthday, and we thought why not go to a Marlins game? This was especially on point, as the millennials say, as they were hosting the Mets, still Barry's team despite his moving to South Florida close to half a century ago. He is a loyal man.

I had discussed this with D1 and Joey, too, and so they thought Wifey and D2 might watch Baby Man while D1 and Joey brought Little Man to the game. Alas, the best laid plans of mice and daughters -- D2 had a conflict, a surprise boat birthday party moved, and Wifey really can't lift up Baby Man on her own, so D1 said they'd bring him to his first Marlins game. He is 2, of course. I scored an extra ticket for Wifey, and the day was set.

I LOVE going to Marlins Park, since it brings me back in time to the Orange Bowl. Wifey and I indeed parked at a house where they promised "no blockie," the words anyone who went to the OB learned to confirm, lest they find themselves stuck. Well, in fact my $30 spot was NOT "no blockie," but since we stayed until the end, the Dodge Charger with the nice biracial couple from Atlanta got there when we did, and we were able to get out. I also suggested they visit Cafe La Trova, and the Cuban house owners nodded in agreement...

Anyway, we found our seats, and just before first pitch Barry, Donna, Scott, and Josh arrived. I was already on Tito's number one, to make the day very festive. I had been suffering from some ennui around my birthday, and yesterday was the complete cure. We caught up with Scott, and his wedding plans for March, and about the third inning he shared the news of the month, from his fiancee Sam, who was covering Biden for CNN over the weekend -- Biden had dipped. What do ya know?

Soon after, D1 and her men arrived, with the younger ones already eating ice cream out of Marlins mini batting helmets. When Wifey greeted Little Man, he explained he "was busy." Josh scored some delicious kosher hot dogs, and my grandsons were off and running -- they killed two big ones -- and later Donna bought them a third and they killed it, too! There was popcorn, and grapes Donna had in her bag -- the boys had a blast. And I got to explain a little baseball to Little Man, too.

We drank and laughed and it was truly a perfect day with dear friends and grandkids. At one point, Little Man hugged his brother, and I asked Scott and Josh if this brought back memories. They said it did NOT -- no hugging for the Irish twins.

Wifey had handed me her phone before the Titos, and forgot. I had put it in my pocket, and Wifey asked me to call it, thinking it had fallen to the floor. We heard it, and asked the 3 young guys in the row in front to please check if that was where the ringing came from. After about 15 minutes, I realized the ringing was coming from my OWN shorts. Barry said he would remember this clear case of senile dementia forever.

As Donna was helping in the search, she found a Louis Vuitton walled beneath our seats. Ah -- must be D1's -- she would indeed have a designer wallet. I took it figuring I would give it back during the week -- she and her men had left a bit before us, and I came up with the good idea of dinner at Versailles, since Scott had never been, and it seemed like the perfect way to cap this perfect Miami day.

Josh had driven himself, and Wifey and I bought met him outside -- there was a half hour wait -- many Marlins and Mets fans had decamped to Versailles -- great minds, and all that.

I reached into my pocket and opened D1's wallet -- but it wasn't hers! There was a NY Driver's license, 2 AMEX Platinum cards, 2 premier Visa cards, and a BJ's Wholesale card. Wifey said the wallet was at least a $500 model.

Well -- modern times -- in minutes Josh and Wifey got the phone number of the woman and knew ALL about her -- she was a corporate lawyer for Assurion Insurance, in NY, and lived in a $1.5M house she had bought for $800K. Her last name was Simrun, with a vaguely Latin sounding first name. I texted.

During dinner she replied with "OMG -- thank you SO much. " She was indeed traveling, staying in the Gables, and could her sons come to where I was to fetch the wallet. Clearly, she couldn't have flown home without her ID. 

We joked about putting the dinner tab on one of her Platinums, but it was just joking.

So after we spent a combined half hour rescuing this ditz lawyer who dropped her precious ID and credit cards, her sons called me and I met them in front of Versailles. They said their mother INSISTED on paying our dinner tab -- it was the least she could do since my kindness saved her thousands of dollars in additional hotel fees, and tens of hours of time replacing all the cards.

Ha! As if! The boys took the wallet, offered a quiet "Thanks," and that was it.

Now I could simply have left the wallet at the restaurant. Wifey said we should have mailed back all the cards and kept the Louis. Ha. We would never do that.

But as I drove home, it DID bother me -- woman could have at least offered a reward -- I would have told her to give to charity -- to thank whatever higher power she believed in for her great fortune that I was the one to deal with her carelessness.

Years ago, I left a cell phone in a NYC cab, and Wifey tracked it down. The driver dropped it at my hotel while I was at dinner, with his card. When I got back to Miami, I sent him a thank you note with a $50 bill wrapped in it.

But I guess most folks just assume good things should happen to them, and show no gratitude.

No matter. Wifey drove us home, and I had tremendous gratitude for the day I was given --and the Marlins even won -- to Barry's slight annoyance.

Indeed, it was a banner Sunday in the park and Cuban restaurant. That's as great as it gets.

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