Friday, July 19, 2024

Is It Possible For Air To Feel Heavy?

 So we are indeed in the dog days of Miami Summer. Joelle and Kenny left earlier this afternoon, and just walking him to the car with a bag, since staying at Villa Wifey includes bellman service, the heat was oppressive. Kenny, ever the scientist, reminded me that in fact colder air was denser and therefore "heavier." But it's plain hot as hell.

Joelle's procedure went well, though poor thing is still in a lot of pain. Last night, Kenny ordered Di Napoli, and Wifey went and fetched it along with a pecan pie and some vanilla ice cream. We watched an episode of "Masters of the Air," which Wifey and I recalled we had already started, and then it was time for bed.

I arose early on the first day of my 64th year and spent it,unfortunately, age appropriately -- I went for PT for my "Old Man's Neck." The PT Jorge LOVES early soul music, and we dug Bill Withers and the Commodores as I stretched and built up the muscles that will hopefully decrease the feeling of a spider web on my arm.

Wifey left for the Ds -- pilates with D2, and an afternoon with our young men. I took a much needed nap -- I had thought Kenny and Joelle were staying through Saturday -- but Wifey reminds me Allison is due over tomorrow to help finish the front porch project.

Sunday I have NINE tickets to the Marlins, 7 of which I have distributed to Dr. Barry and Family, and D1 and Joey and their men. Baby Man's first game!

My first game was at Shea Stadium when I was 5 -- my grandsons are ahead of the curve.

Wifey and I spent some time last evening on a conference call with Eric and Dana -- planning a trip for next May. Wifey is savvy -- she knows travel holds little excitement for me, but if my dear friends are part of it -- I'll go to Cleveland.

So this trip starts in Budapest and follows the Danube to Prague. I did a Danube cruise with the D2 in 2011, while Wifey was home and not traveling on account of a bad back. But this trip is on a Tauk tour, which is supposed to be the Ritz Carlton of tour companies.

We booked air through them, which we can cancel up to January, but Eric found a pretty intriguing deal -- on Turkish Air. If you fly Business, they include 2 nights in a 5 star hotel in Istanbul -- and Istanbul is not too far from Budapest. We might opt for that -- tacking on a few nights in the former Constantinople -- this is still up for discussion.

Eric and I laughed. When we lived together in grad school, hotels meant, if at all, Holiday Inns. This trip will cost more than my yearly salary as a lawyer -- THREE years after I passed the Bar!

I asked Wifey if maybe we should spend less to leave more for the Ds. That was a hard "NO!" Of course I agree -- if the Big Man keeps us around for most of another year, it'll be a fine trip.

But the travel funds are NOT unlimited, and since we have an expensive LA trip for a wedding in October, and I'm taking 9 people to the Big, Fat, Media personality wedding in D.C. in March, I dipped on a Tampa trip to see the Canes and eat at Bern's in the Fall. I can watch the game on TV, and have a steak at the Palm afterwards...

Besides, Wifey is still on the travel hunt -- looking into more cruises for her and her friends where I will happily stay home and watch the remaining dog, Bo, the Special Needs Spaniel.

For now, though -- just nice to be seen. And poor Dana -- she knows my puns are coming on our trip. I already reminded her that if things go badly in Prague, we'll be bounced Czechs...

Yeah -- I need some new material.

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