Saturday, February 1, 2020

I May Have Made A Paternal Mistake

Of the many hats I am privileged to wear as a man, the most important is my Dad hat. I'm self deprecating about my law job, husband status, and am glad to play the fool as a dear friend. But I always proudly proclaim I am the second best father I know in this world. The best is a young friend who deals with a special needs child -- and has devoted his own entire life to the young boy, while still being the kind of Dad I am to his healthy other child. He's number one. But I am second.

Well -- when D2 was in college, and trying to figure out what to do, she mentioned law school I was heartily opposed. Other than the friends I made, and being softball team captain, I really disliked law school. The law business treated me well, but I discouraged D2 -- in the way just about all of my doctor friends did NOT want their kids to go into medicine. These days, it's just far too much work for not enough reward -- my friends are the last generation of it being a big deal to be a doctor.

Plus, I looked around at women lawyers my age. Most, especially those truly invested in their careers, looked poorly. The job took a lot out of them. The most successful one I knew, who I'll call Hillary, since that's her name, rose to the top -- even became president of the ABA. But, she lacks much of any family life. So that was my stance.

Wifey disagreed. She saw D2's skills for quickly analyzing something, and clearly and articulating her message. She thought D2 would be a natural lawyer.  Of course, I told D2 if, despite my reservations, she wanted to go to law school, I would pay for it. But she chose a MS instead, and a career path in corporate HR -- where she is doing great.

Well -- last night we had an experience. The Betsy Hotel had agreed to host a pre wedding cocktail party for a minimum amount, with the understanding that if more drinks than estimated were served, we would pay the difference. We had expected 40 guests -- maybe 60 showed -- and some drank heavily. But then the Betsy sent a bill for FOUR TIMES the agreed upon amount. D2 wasn't having it.

She exchanged emails, and finally a phone conference was set up with the manager, for last night. Jonathan was with her, and I was conferenced in.  The manager and D2 exchanged pleasantries, but then the manager tried to justify the huge upcharge -- using arguments that were totally different than the contract THEY provided.

D2 pounded, though classily and nicely, pointing out to the manager that her justifications were, well, total bullshit. D2 went through the case step by step, like a skilled appellate lawyer would at an oral argument before a panel of judges -- anticipating counterarguments, and exposing their weakness.

At the end, still very nicey nicey, the manager agreed there WOULD be a discount -- and she would get back to D2 with their position. We understood the hotel was hosting Super Bowl high rollers, and had more pressing matters.

I told D2 I was useless for further discussions -- she was all over this, as the saying goes. And I hung up and thought -- wow -- she really WOULD have been a kick ass lawyer.

Of course, she can always go back and get a JD if she chooses, or instead use these natural talents in her other endeavors. I just told her to lay off when she deals with her husband -- no spouse wants to argue with a lawyer...

And hey -- even the top baseball hitters fail 2/3 of the time, right? I'm still the number two Dad I know -- even if I may have whiffed on one issue.

Rock on, D2...

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