Monday, January 6, 2020

A Fine Friday

So I was trying to figure out which romantic restaurant to take Wifey to, in order to celebrate our 33rd anniversary, when His Holiness, Rabbi Yossi called. He invited us to his house for shabbos dinner -- D2 and Jonathan were coming, and Jonathan's parents were coming, too. I consulted with Wifey, because a man doesn't stay married for 33 years unless he is wise enough to understand that the woman is in charge...and she agreed. So I stopped by my local liquor store, fetched a bottle of Stoli Elit, and we drove to Yossi and Nechama's house.

It was abuzz, as always. They have 9 kids, and 5 were there -- including the oldest, Mendel, about to leave for his final semester at UF Law. The youngest little girl is 7, and bursting with energy and personality -- as one would expect for the smallest of 9 baby birds...

Yossi had fetched a photo album of D2's years in Hebrew School, and later Bat Mitzvah training. He later realized she was the bride in a mock wedding -- a fun exercise that teaches tweens the traditions of a Jewish marriage. We were wistfully aware that the mock bride of '04 was soon to be the real one of '20...

We ate the Ashkenazi food, and talked of D1 and Joey, home with their beautiful new son. We joked that there was no way that Joey, Sephardic, would ever appreciate gefilte fish, and then we admitted that many of our own tribe can't stand it, either.

After dinner, the rabbi asked Jonathan's parents about their family background. I joked, nervously, because years ago, at a similar dinner, my friend Stuart's fiancee's grandmother shared that she was a convert, and after it was determined that her conversion wasn't a kosher one, led to Stuart having to find a less observant rabbi to perform the service. Yossi said it's still one of the worst things he ever had to do as a rabbi -- he loves Stuart, and felt awful having to back out. I told him not to feel bad -- Stuart is no more or less miserable with his wife than he would have been had Yossi officiated...

Alas -- no conversions, although Jonathan's maternal grandmother Judy DID live for years in a convent -- placed there by a righteous neighbor to save her life as the Nazis took over their town. Wifey blurted out "Oh -- so then she was raised CATHOLIC," and I went into full Archie Bunker mode, telling my Edith to stifle...laughter ensued.

The night was a very lovely one. Afterwards Yossi pulled me aside to remind me how blessed I am with my precious daughters' choices of husbands. I told him I was well aware.

Yesterday marked the three weeks to go before the big, fat, Venezuelan wedding time. I tried on my Tux -- still fits from D1's wedding 2 and a half years ago. I'm in far better condition than I was then -- but still need to drop 50 lbs. Why is food so delicious??????

It's a lovely and cool morning. I'm meeting a young protege for breakfast -- a terrific young man who I have had the privilege to mentor as a young attorney. We met through D1 -- his wife and D1 are UF sorority sisters. The young man's career is soaring, and it gives me great pleasure. Paul and I joke that had we hired someone like him 10 years ago, we might still be actively in practice -- letting him do all the heavy lifting. Nah -- I love NOT putting on suits and ties too much for that.

Wifey is headed up for serious grandma duty -- Joey's first day back at work, and D1 is thrilled to have her Mom help out.

D2 and I are very thrilled about this. Wifey was happily floating along, but I knew she needed a new purpose -- and she will attack active grandmotherhood with passion and humor -- I have no doubt.

When D1 was a baby, my mother in law Rachel was ALWAYS there, helping, and now Wifey pays it forward. It's wonderful for me to watch.

The buffet line of life continues. And I'm one extremely lucky Daddy in the USA enjoying the offerings.

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