Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Running the B and B

So it's February, the best weather in Miami, and per usual, Villa Wifey acts as a B and B. And I am the innkeeper.

Friday Wifey's bff Edna and her man Marc met us at Ruth's Chris in the Gables. Wifey set up a happy hour there with friends Maureen and David -- a couple who has spent time in ATL with Edna and Marc. Maureen usually avoids restaurants -- she prefers to cook at home, and when it comes to eating out is rather, well, penurious.   But Ruth's Chris has great happy hour apps cheap -- burgers and steak sandwiches for less than $10 -- and so she agreed to come along.

After we ate, Edna and Marc accompanied us to Books and Books -- our dear friends' son Roger was turning 5, and we needed some gift books for his party. And then they came back to our house.

I was up early Saturday and gave Marc coffee and cereal -- he was picked up by David for some flats fishing in the Glades. Alas -- the whole day only produced one inedible Oscar -- aquarium fishes now flourishing in the Glades -- at enormous sizes.

The B and B was featuring movie night -- we watched "Double Indemnity" and I brought in pizza from Big Cheese. It was a very chill night.

Sunday, we all met at the Key Biscayne Ritz, for a terrific party for Roger. Paul had a room which served as a bar, and we sat by the pool and then the restaurant. Edna drove Marc to FLL, and Wifey and I came home.

Edna spent Monday cleaning out her parents' condo and listing it for sale. And our B and B duties were not done -- she drove back over, and is spending another few days with us. Last night she treated us to Mexican, at Guadalajara, a local place.

I enjoy being an innkeeper. Wifey generally doesn't -- unless it's family or VERY close friends.

Years ago, we were in Key West, and as we strolled the lovely streets, I said what many have before "Wouldn't it be nice to own a B and B someday?"  Wifey immediately responded that she didn't cook or clean for her own family -- why would she do it for strangers?

So much for that alternative career...

But it's nice to dabble in it. Maybe tonight there'll be a happy hour on our front porch. The weather is perfect for it.

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