Monday, December 24, 2018

White Christmas

The Ds and Wifey make fun of my fierce pride in the accomplishments of my pride -- the funniest of which is that Jews wrote all the best Christmas music. It's uncanny -- I was in the waiting room of my dentist the other day, and 5 songs played -- 4 really good, and one silly (Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer). Sure enough, all 4 of the great ones were written by guys who don't celebrate the holiday, but do, as do their generations of progenitors, celebrate the royalties...

To me, the best and most classic song for the holiday is Berlin's "White Christmas." It is so hopeful and wistful and sad at the same time. It always makes me think of American GIs singing it during WW II -- far from their homes, and far from their innocent youths.

My father had a beautiful tenor voice, and recorded that song for my mother in a studio in LA.  Apparently those were plentiful at the time, and Dad went in, sang the song, and at the end added "I love you Sunny."

The record was a small one, played at 78 rpm. I listened to it several times when I was a boy, and was amazed -- an actual tunnel back 30 something years into my family's history. Alas, the record was long gone -- my Mom wasn't sentimental, and disliked clutter more than she wanted stuff, and for all I know the record didn't make the move to Florida in June of '79. But I can still hear it in my mind.

As I write, D2 and Jonathan are at 34K feet, about an hour out of MIA. I'm still fighting this damn infection -- today is day 6. I'm fairly certain it's an acute viral sinusitis, and I am getting better, but still fatigued and feeling the dull headache of inflamed sinuses -- so much that I took some Mucinex. I tend to avoid medications that don't come in martini glasses...

So Dadber is grounded today. Momber stands at the ready. I have a feeling she can acquit herself rather well -- unlike the time she drove D2 to Gville and D2 called me when they were halfway across the Everglades...That was before WAZE...

My friend Joel called -- we've spent the last few Christmas Eves at their stately mansion in the Grove. Joel's Italian and Courtney is Italian/Irish -- she grew up on LI like I did. My Ds and their men have a great time -- Joel is a wonderful raconteur, but I think this year we're taking a pass. I'm pretty sure I'm no longer contagious, but feel most like sitting on a couch with Wifey, D2, and a couple of happy dogs.

Tomorrow we're set for a movie in Merrick Park, an early dinner at Ariete, and great place in the Grove. I'm hoping to have my strength back -- otherwise it'll be a Mom'Daughter birthday celebration.

Still, deep in the memory of my life, I hear Dad singing to his beloved, of a time and place he longed to return to . A great song will do that...

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