Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lebron or LeGone?

I'm not really a Miami Heat fan, but I must admit that the machinations surrounding free agency is a welcome distraction from the current tales of tragedy and misery. The 4 death boat crash is the awful local news, and last night I read that over the holiday weekend, 84 people were shot, and 14 killed, in Chicago. Wifey just read me an email from her cousin in Israel, where news of a new grandchild is tempered by descriptions of hunkering in basements, against the Palestinian rocket fire. So it's the summer of sad news... Lebron James is truly a once in a generation player, and he's very entertaining to watch. In the 4 years he's been in Miami, he's let the Heat to the Finals all 4 years, winning two championships. But, like all modern pro athletes, his true team is his own inner circle, and so to get truly amped by his "decisions" is a fool's errand. But it's surely entertaining. I miss the naivete of being a boy when it comes to following sports. When I was 8 or 9, the NY Mets were my heros. And it seemed that then teams truly did stay together longer. You KNEW the ace righty would be Tom Seaver, and Tommie Agee was in centerfield. Now winning seems more about the chess like skills of general managers, in getting the best players for the least money. College football is plenry corrupt, too, but somehow I can still be a true fan. It comes from going to a school for 7 years, teaching there, and making many lifelong friends from our shared time at the U. When the Canes win, it truly lifts my mood. A loss on Saturday keeps me angry most of the week. The good news is that the first game is less than 2 months away -- at Louisville. It will be Monday night, and my friends and I will gather to get a sense of the coming season. I have low expectations, since we don't have a proven quarterback. I nontheless love that team --I'm a fan. As for the giant with the amazing basketball skills -- it will be nice if he stays here and the Heat keep winning. It improves the mood of the city -- gives the bus driver and secretary bragging rights over their compadres in other places. I haven't been to a Hear game in years, and don't really have a desire to go. But the more Lebron is in the news, the less space their is for misery. And that's a good thing.

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