Monday, June 30, 2014


So today I got to enjoy one of the greatest pleasures of fatherhood: taking my daughter's diploma to be framed. Frame Art is a shop next to Tobacco Road -- a big warehouse-sized place that's been there forever. I took my law school diploma there, D1's college and grad school diplomas, and now D2's college job. The shop is owned by a Cuban guy a little older than I am, and his mother. They also own the land, and the son told me he's been offered over $10M to sell. I ask why he doesn't, and he tells me he has 4 ex wives, all of whom would simply file for alimony modifications and take their share. The mom was there today when D2 and I walked in. She told me she could never sell -- her son, a charming raconteur, would "get into too much trouble" without the business. D2 picked out a frame and some matting, and we handed over the heavy paper sheet. I reflected on all of the money, sacrifice, and tears that went into that accomplishment. D2 had something to do with it, too. The Frame mom told me the job would be done in a few hours, but I told her to take her time. It took 4 years to earn that degree -- a few days to decorate the symbol of it's completion was no big deal. It's funny - virtually all the people in our social circles have at least a Bachelor's degree. In fact, one of D2's friend's Moms did NOT -- and she's the outlier. So it's easy to take the earning of a college degree for granted, but I never do. I recall how much my father admired those who went to college -- and the fact that he never did was one of his great regrets. He did well profesionally, and was certainly a self taught intellectual, but he still would get wistful when I would share with him my experiences from the U. So now D2 has joined the club, and, if all goes well, will have another diploma next Summer. 2 Ds, and 2 MS degrees? I am one proud, rocking Daddy in the USA...

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