Sunday, May 4, 2014

Circumstantial Pomp

So it's here -- a weekend I dreamed about all during my fatherhood: D2 is graduating college. D1 and I drove up in the fancy Lexus SUV, while Wifey was to join us later, via American Eagle, on account of her bad back rearing its ugly head... D1 and I chatted the whole time -- about people, ideas, lives. My time alone with her in the car is sacred -- poor Wifey has missed out on a lot of these. We arrived at D2's Yellow House, so named because it's a yellow house -- one where she has lived with Ali, Ashley, and Catherine, for the past 2 years. Unfortunately, on this Friday it was also Yellow Poop House -- a plumbing backup had left sewage in the 2 showers --D2 and Cath bleached the place after the plumber cleared the clog. I told D2 that into even most charmed lives, some poop must fall, and, if there was ever to be a sign that it was time to move on from Yellow House -- well, that was it. As the Ds caught up, I found a bottle of Ketel One in the freezer -- calling out to me. I had a drink, or 6, and ended up all melancholy and joyous -- crying with the Ds about how amazing they were as Ds, and what did I do to deserve kids like them? I also spoke about sacrifice -- I did -- and how that was part of true love. Anyway, we went out to an overpriced, over rated Gville place called 101 ($40 quarter sized entrees) but still enjoyed our company -- Cath came with us, and Ali and her Mom and sister sat and had some drinks with us. From there, it was a party at D2's boyfriend Jonathan's friend's house --seeing his family, and his Aventura gang of Latin Jews...Great people, these. Saturday I took the Ds and Cath to a breakfast place, and we saw D2's brother of another mother Ben and his family. If there's a happier crop of people than parents in a college town celebrating their kids' graduations, well, I don't know who they are. We fetched Wifey from GNV, and then headed to Embers, Gville's best restaurant, for dinner. I ordered a really nice bottle of wine, and we shared steak, lobster, and a cobia, as well as amazing desserts. D2 saw several classmates, and we all congratulated each other. From there, we retired to Yellow House, where Ashley's sister, a fellow Gator grad and now lawyer in D.C., sneaked in while Ashley was still at dinner, and hung beautiful banners congratulating Ashley and her roommies. It was lovely. Ashley and her Mom, other sister and bro in law and mom and step dad returned, and we all enjoyed each other's company. This am, the Ds fetched us, and we went to Bay Island Coffee, a famous shopping center kiosk with the best Joe in town, and ate breakfast sandwiches. Another friend of D2 came by with his mom and uncle, and it turned out the Mom, Jodi, was at the U when I was, and we shared many friends in common. We threw up a few Us to each other before leaving. And now, the O'Connell Center beckons. D2 walks at 2. Four years ago, D1 walked, as well. D2 finished with a perfect 4.0 GPA. As the kids say, A (pause) mazing. More importantly, she became a poised, warm hearted, charitable young woman. I am an extremely happy and proud Daddy in the USA. When I made my first trip to Gville, with my buds Eric and Barry, I couldn't imagine years later it would be a place I'd spend a LOT of time in, from 2006-2014. And there's more to come -- D2 is getting a Master's, and will be here next year as well. Today, though, it's only about the celebration. The Big Man has given me many, many blessings -- the Ds are at the very top of the list.

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