Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

H.L. Mencken said no one ever went broke unerestimating the intelligence of the American people. I kept rhinking of that quote as I watched news reports of people lining up ON THANKSGIVING to be able to get into big box stores, to then fight with other idiots, to "save" money buying all kinds of crap. I guess I ought to change my attitude. As an owner of stock in companies that sell retial goods --it benefits me greatly. Every idiot ought to increase my investment value, in theory. But still... I want NOTHING to do with stores for the next month. It always turns out that I end up shopping --maybe my shoes wear out, or something of that nature. Wifey and our friend and houseguest Elizabeth are at Home Depot as I write. Wifey told Elizabeth that the area by our front gate is an "eyesore." Wifey uses hyperbole often. When I hear the word "eyesore," I think of abandoned tenements in the South Bronx. For Wifey, it can mean about 100 square feet on earth beneath some small palm trees... Whatever. They're off buying bromeliads or ferns or something. I plan to watch them plant these things, as I have a strict prohibition against doing yard work --especially when it moght conflict with watching football. Plus, the last times I pulled some vines from trees, I broke out in a nasty rash. The rash was on my hands, and face where I wiped sweat from my brow, and then I had to pee... I prefer to keep the eyesores intact. T Day was sublime. D1 and Joel left, and D2 went to Jonathan's house for dinner, after an enormous feast where our sparkling wine glasses were kept full by the amazing wait staff. After lunch, we walked to the beach, and I spoke to my Mom and Dad, and we took some photos. From there we decamped to the hotel lobby, and talked about the futures for the young folks. As Wifey and I drove off the Key, we both was another wonderful T Day --with no fuss, no muss, no anger, or tensosity. The last isn't a word, but should be. It was coined by my friend Alan, to describe tension in a domestic situation. No, no tensosity. No black Friday shopping. A time of thanks, indeed.

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