Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Parties Go On

So D2 returned safely, thankfully, to UF, and D1 is readying herself for the beginning of her internship. D1 got great news: FIU is letting her do her community healthcare spot at UM Hospital -- even though FIU never had an affiliation there. D1 learned that the FIU supervisor knew the UM Dietetics supervisor, and so worked it out. So now she can ride MetroRail to her job, through March, and begin the job of learning what it really means to practice her profession. Last night my sister had a surprise party for my bro in law Dennis. Wifey and I fired up the aging Volvo SUV, and stopped first at Miami Jewish. Wifey visited her Dad; I met Mom, who already had Mirta with her. We sat under the gazebo and ate ice cream. From there we drove up to Boynton Beach. I got to see my grand nephew and grand nieces for the first time in 3 years, and it was a treat. They're all beatiful, bright, and adorable kids. The oldest, Hanna, is about to turn 16 and is a poised, lovely young lady. She was there with her boyfriend -- a nice fellow who looks a LOT like my California nephew PJ. Dennis was led into the noisy and crowded restaurant, and when everyone shouted "Surprise" he was visibly shocked and delighted. I spent the evening talking with 2 of his friends -- both airline pilots -- and we joked that most folks would rather be surrounded at a dinner by airline pilots than lawyers... My partner Paul drove all the way up to the restaurant just to give Dennis a nice bottle of wine, and hug him. Paul and I were chatting by a table, when a nasty old woman in an unmistakeable NY accent told me were were "interupting her conversation!" We laughed and slinked away... Dennis had his brother in law Tom there -- a delightful fellow and Stan Laurel lookalike who I hadn't seen in quite awhile. Another friend from 50 years ago, George, was there, as well as various and other friends from cruises and golf. Dennis beamed -- it was great to see. And the damned fun continues! Our friends Dave and Sandra from Stoke, in the English Midlands, are coming to stay. We'll welcome them tomorrow night with cocktails and sushi. Wifey, D2, and I met Dave and Sandra in Dublin 6 summers ago. We took a pub crawl, and, keeping up with Dave, I drank 8 pints of Guinness. I was amazed and sloshing around like a water balloon, when he took us to an Indian restaurant, and announced we needed a Super Pint of Tiger Ale -- an Indian beer even stronger than the Guinness. It's more beer than I ever drank or probably ever will. So we might toss back a few tomorrow and Monday nights...

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