Sunday, June 24, 2012

When Sunny Gets Blue

It was a quiet Saturday in and around Villa Wifey. D1 was off in training with her part time employer --learning how to sell craft Mezcal. Now she can explain both cognac and the Mexican beverage to curious liquor shoppers. Although she's part time, her prowess and sunny disposition were reported to the company brass, and they offered her a full time marketing job. She politely declined -- she's nearly finished with her MS in Dietetics and Nutrition, but its nice to know she has an attractive fall back. D2 was off with the strange dog that lives in our house -- Vienna. She's getting Vienna certified as a therapy dog, and so was off at the Palace ALF. After she returned, she then drove to Weston, to say goodbye to boyfriend Josh, who's off to Gville for summer session. Wifey was having a bad back day, and so I went alone to visit ancient Mom. She was in good spirits, and mostly in the real world, except for those 2 phantasmic younger versions of my sisters. She asked me if Trudy was "going with anyone." I told her yes -- Dennis, my brother in law of nearly 45 years, but she said "No, the OTHER Trudy!" I told her I didn't know. Mom has settled into her routine. She loves the food, and the care given her. Still, as I sat by her bed, a pregnant pause descended, and she said "David --you don't think I have much to say, do you?" I brushed that off, and told her how happy I was that she was happy. But the truth is, my mother and I NEVER had that much to talk about, even in her much younger days. My Dad and I talked all the time, about politics, and family and human nature. Sunny and I were always at a loss for conversation, once we got past the surface topics of our mutual relatives. As Tony S remarked -- what are ya gonna do? I told her I'd be back to see her during the week. I came home, and treated myself to a few frozen Ketel Ones. Our friend Diane had left a bottle in our freezer, and it beckoned to me.

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