Saturday, June 23, 2012

Here Comes the Rain Again

Summer has begun, and the rains have come. We usually have the summer rain pattern this time of year, in which the early part of the day is hot and humid, and afternoon brings huge thunderstorms from the Everglades. But the past few days it's been, as the English weather lady famously malapropped years ago, incest and rain. The Heat won the NBA championship, and I watched the first part of the last game with Wifey and the Ds. D1 was staying with us since her boyfriend Joel decamped to NYC to visit his best college bud. D1 gave up in the 3rd quarter, and Wifey did the same, so D2 and I watched the Heat take over and dominate. They have a parade planned for Monday, which will go right past my office. I'll probably step outside and watch them go by. When you anaylze this, being a fan has no basis. A bunch of spoiled millionaires, largely from inner city backgrounds, beat a different set of them. The players have no loyalty to a city. Lebron James fled his native Cleveland and has already said he might leave Miami in a few years. But it's just plain fun to be involved, and a whole city gets happy when its team wins. The team I've been following more closely, the Marlins, has slumped terribly. Still, I plan to take the Ds to the park Tuesday night, to have a few cold beverages and watch the game and the people... Wifey's set to fly to Atlanta Tuesday, and it's a major step for her and her bad back. I joke with D2 that it'll be time to have a major party --like maybe something out of a teen movie. She reminds me that I'm a parent, too, and such an idea is a non starter. So the plan is to stay dry, and enjoy the togetherness. Still I wonder -- who'll stop this rain?

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