Monday, May 28, 2012

Lovely Evening; Unpleasant Encounter

So last night Wifey and the Ds and I headed over to a Bar Mitzvah of a delightful young man. It was held at our local and richest synagogue, and the Ds looked forward to it since the older siblings' friends were going, many of whom are lifelong friends of the wonderful family who hosted. There I was, on my second martini, when D1 pointed out a couple. These two, in their late 60s, are very well connected with national politics and local law. The husband, who I'll call Phil, since that's his name, has made a mint in the injury business, and his wife, who I'll call Ellen, since that's her name, has happily helped him spend it, often on political stuff that tends towards the ultra liberal, feminist side of things. A friend pointed out recently how she gets such a kick out of the radical feminists who use the money their husbands earn to be radical feminists. But that's another matter... Anyway, this couple had caused quite a stir months ago, when D1 was a hostess at a local restaurant. After the husband spent the amount of time one normally reserves picking out a condo in deciding on a table for an upcoming family dinner, the couple arrived and were MOST unhappy with said table. D1 told them she'd call the manager, and the wife literally grabbed her shoulder, spun D1 around, and made sure she knew how important these 2 were... When I heard what the wife had done, I was livid. But then, I let it pass, as D1 did, since we realized that people tend to act as they are, and Ellen is, how to say this politely, a pig. Well sure enough, there they were last night, standing in front of me in my 2 martini state. I leaned into the wife, and smiling, pleasantly asked if she knew who D1 was. (I'm pretty sure this couple have no idea who I am -- I lack any importance or relevance to them in life for them to even notice me). The wife smiled, and then I said, "Well, D1 was a hostess in a restaurant, who you literally spun around because you weren't happy with a table. But that's ok, my daughter is a very classy young lady, and she forgives you." The power couple looked baffled. When you go through life pissing on little people, I guess there's no way to recall all the piss-ees... D1 was flabbergasted and shocked. She had let it pass -- why would I bring this up. Even though I didn't really make a scene, or curse the pig as I wanted to, or even raise my voice beyone my evil, smiling cadence, I explained that NO ONE gets to mess with our family. What did I accomplish? Little, of course. I noticed the couple during the hour they deigned to stay, and their heads were on a swivel -- how else of importance might be there? Whatever. All I know is, if I give advice to women, it's avoid older men. We become crankier as we age, and more apt to call people out on their crap. We have more money, of course, so I guess there's a payoff. And whatever you do, DON'T disrespect my daughters...

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