Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday Night Social

Wifey and I socialize much less than we used to, because we're old and boring. Not really --completely. We just feel so much of it these days is "been there, done that" and it seems so much of socializing is overpriced restaurants and less than illuminating conversation. So we typically end up home most weekends --Wifey watching film noir while playing computer Scrabble, and me feeding my news and trivia junkie habit on the web. Ah --maybe we need hormone replacement therapy.

Last Saturday was a happy exception. Our crazy friend Sheryl came during the day, in her typical whirlwind. As she was getting out of the car, her bag was in one hand and her cell in her ear, giving driving directions to her son, and asking me if they were right.

We enjoy Sheryl, in "small dosages." as another of Wifey's friends created the malaprop. She was in from Boston to celebrate her 50th, and Friday Wifey joined a group of Sheryl's peri-menopausal and newly post menopausal friends for an evening at a local restaurant.

So Sheryl was there, and next her son Steven joined her, and we had our friends Dave and Maureen coming for an early dinner. The dinner turned into some eating and wine drinking, with Dave and Maureen and Sheryl and BOTH her boys, who were on their way to Christy's (at my suggestion) for dinner with Sheryl's parents, who are snowbirds getting ready to leave Aventura for Boston in the Spring.

Then D1 popped in, on her way to an engagement party (THAT phase of her life is starting --her first high school and college friend got married last week) and the dining room was alive with several conversations, and laughter, and Jewish Geography...

Sheryl and her boys and D1 left, and I checked in on D2 by text. She was in Panama City for some fraternity formal, with the young man I don't need to know details about, according to her. It turned out he was no Panamaniac (D2 liked that phrase) --just a nice boy from Cypress Bay High School --and D2 had a great time and returned to Gainesville safely.

Now it was about 9 pm, and our friend and neighbor Diane came over, after attending a charity function at the U. She helped David finish off the red wine, while I sipped the last of my vodka, and ate the last of the pizza.

Dave and Maureen left, about 10, and we continued our chat with Diane, mostly about our 90 something mothers, and our grown kids, and how little we each like lawyers, even that's what we both are...

Diane left about 11, Wifey and I each joked that the other could clean up the next day, and that was it.

We really enjoyed ourselves. I guess the trick is the right people, and the right amount of alcohol. Duh.

Maybe we'll return to our more social ways --at least once in awhile.

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